Type Date Title Download Key Topics
Poster Aug 2019 UNHARMED – Considering futures of risk PDF icon Download (1009.61 KB) decision making, multi-hazard, risk analysis
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2019 Research Activities within European Union Research Program for Improving Preparedness and Resilience PDF icon Download (3.92 MB)
Poster Aug 2019 Comprehensive School Safety: A participatory approach to school bushfire emergency management planning. PDF icon Download (854.4 KB) emergency management
Poster Aug 2019 Disaster Resilience Education For Children: A Study in Bangladesh PDF icon Download (1.75 MB) education, resilience
Poster Aug 2019 Cost-Effective Retrofitting Strategy for Limited Ductile Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Australia PDF icon Download (814.17 KB) earthquake, mitigation
Poster Aug 2019 Lessons learned from coupled fire-atmosphere research and implications for operational fire modelling PDF icon Download (680.94 KB) fire impacts, fire severity
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2019 The PyroCb Firepower Threshold: A pyrocumulonimbus prediction tool PDF icon Download (9.16 MB) fire weather, severe weather
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2019 Safety awareness of firefighters and their perception of fire risks in cladding fires PDF icon Download (1.8 MB)
Poster Aug 2019 Flood Risk Reduction in a Dynamic Urban Context: Exploring the Urban-Water-Resilience Nexus PDF icon Download (581.73 KB) planning, resilience
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2019 Climate Ready Communities PDF icon Download (3.63 MB)
Poster Aug 2019 Developing a Hawkesbury-Nepean Animal Ready Community PDF icon Download (1.3 MB) animals
Poster Aug 2019 Understanding the flaming behavior of cladding products through numerical simulations PDF icon Download (1.21 MB) risk analysis
Poster Aug 2019 The Australian Fire Danger Rating System PDF icon Download (1.28 MB) fire, fire weather, modelling
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2019 QFES response to the 2018 fires PDF icon Download (2.24 MB) fire, fire impacts
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2019 Future risk framework: Understanding tomorrow’s risk and what we can do to reduce it PDF icon Download (2.88 MB) decision making, multi-hazard
Poster Aug 2019 Quick Economics: tools that help decision making in natural hazard mitigation PDF icon Download (1.34 MB) economics, multi-hazard
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2019 Unpacking the complexities in defining resilience: Relating Tarnagulla community’s definition to those within relevant literature PDF icon Download (8.66 MB) resilience
Poster Aug 2019 “If it’s flooded…” Occupational exposure to floodwater - what contributes to decisions to drive through? PDF icon Download (1.1 MB) flood
Poster Aug 2019 From hectares to tailor-made solutions to prescribed burning PDF icon Download (871.37 KB) mitigation
Poster Aug 2019 Flood Vulnerability Functions: Detailed vs Generalised Approach PDF icon Download (638.91 KB) engineering, flood, mitigation

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