Type Date Title Download Key Topics
Poster Aug 2016 Simulations of sub-canopy winds PDF icon Download (261.83 KB) fire severity, remote sensing
Poster Aug 2016 How do wet forests burn? Managing Tasmania’s most dangerous fuel type PDF icon Download (482.73 KB) fire weather
Poster Aug 2016 Scattering and transport of firebrand: effect of firebrand shapes PDF icon Download (244.41 KB) fire severity, remote sensing
Poster Aug 2016 Severe fire behaviour – improved planning responses PDF icon Download (525.22 KB)
Poster Aug 2016 Coupled fire-atmosphere modelling project: case study of the Waroona fire PDF icon Download (217.73 KB) fire severity, remote sensing
Poster Aug 2016 Developing wildfire risk metrics in Phoenix RapidFire PDF icon Download (277.72 KB)
Poster Aug 2016 Incorporation of spotting and fire dynamics in a coupled atmosphere - fire modelling framework PDF icon Download (546.78 KB) fire severity, remote sensing
Poster Aug 2016 Smoke impacts on community health and social perceptions PDF icon Download (458.87 KB)
Poster Aug 2016 Future technologies for predicting natural hazards PDF icon Download (259.55 KB) fire severity, remote sensing
Poster Aug 2016 Prospects for automated mapping of planned burn area and severity PDF icon Download (428.26 KB)
Poster Aug 2016 Statistical characterisation of wind fields over complex terrain for bushfire modelling PDF icon Download (512.92 KB) modelling, remote sensing
Poster Aug 2016 Using automated fuel moisture Sensors to plan prescribed burns PDF icon Download (6.65 MB)
Poster Aug 2016 Determining threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour PDF icon Download (140.52 KB) fire impacts
Poster Aug 2016 What makes an effective fire ecology monitoring program? PDF icon Download (213.47 KB)
Poster Aug 2016 A comparison of soil moisture proxies across Australia PDF icon Download (3.63 MB) soil moisture
Poster Aug 2016 The Savanna burning project PDF icon Download (481.02 KB) savanna grasslands
Poster Aug 2016 Economic and environmental costs and benefits of bushfire preparedness and response - pilot study PDF icon Download (262.4 KB)
Poster Aug 2016 Mapping and validating forest stand height from airborne LiDAR data PDF icon Download (196.22 KB) fire impacts, remote sensing
Poster Aug 2016 Remote sensing of tree structure and biomass in north Australian mesic savanna PDF icon Download (390.18 KB) remote sensing, savanna grasslands
Poster Aug 2016 Values-based communication: a new way to engage with communities PDF icon Download (574.07 KB)

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