Typesort ascending Date Title Download Key Topics
Presentation-Slideshow Mar 2014 Resilience to clustered disaster events on the coast PDF icon Download (1.67 MB) coastal, coincident events, engineering
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2014 The "Tassie fires - we can help" Facebook page PDF icon Download (5.34 MB)
Presentation-Audio-Video Oct 2016 Fire coalescence and mass spotfire dynamics - project overview File Download (0 bytes) fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather
Guide-Fact Sheet Apr 2020 Public survey of driving and recreating in floodwater - practice brief four April 2020 PDF icon Download (948.94 KB) communication, flood, warnings
Presentation-Slideshow May 2019 Current and future challenges and opportunities for research PDF icon Download (1.88 MB)
Poster Aug 2019 From hectares to tailor-made solutions to prescribed burning PDF icon Download (871.37 KB) mitigation
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2020 France-Australia Workshop: Day 2/Panel 2 Veronique Florec PDF icon Download (2.22 MB)
Presentation-Slideshow May 2016 Improving the retention and engagement of volunteers in emergency service agencies PDF icon Download (2.63 MB) communication, emergency management, volunteering
Poster Aug 2020 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data PDF icon Download (910.92 KB), PDF icon Download (910.92 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2017 Youth justice conferencing for youth misuse of fire: a case study of collaboration PDF icon Download (1.98 MB) child-centred, fire
Poster Aug 2016 Doing hydrology backwards: retrieving rainfall distributions using the discrete wavelet transform PDF icon Download (253.17 KB) hydrology
Poster Aug 2015 Rainforests on Fire: Assessing Bushfire Risk in Tasmania's Wet Forest Types PDF icon Download (156.59 KB) fire, modelling, risk analysis
Presentation-Slideshow Oct 2018 Keynote: Conflicting Evidence: prescribed burning: when ‘evidence’ is not the reality PDF icon Download (6.32 MB) fire, planning, prescribed burning
Presentation-Slideshow May 2015 Trends in Australian Wildfire Litigation - 9th annual Wildland Fire Litigation Conference, 1 May 2015 PDF icon Download (138.94 KB) decision making, governance, policy
Poster Jun 2017 Reliability analysis of damage accumulation in bridge structures subjected to multiple earthquakes in Australia PDF icon Download (811.3 KB) earthquake, engineering, mitigation
Presentation-Slideshow Apr 2015 Improving the Role of Hazard Communications 2015 NSW RAF Presentation PDF icon Download (1.76 MB) communication, planning, preparedness
Poster Aug 2014 A three-tiered smoke forecasting system for managing air pollution from planned burns PDF icon Download (476.9 KB)
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2016 Harnessing the capacities of spontaneous volunteers: application and adaptation of the Queensland model - Blythe McLennan PDF icon Download (1.61 MB) communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering
Workshop Material Jul 2017 Insurance - a statement on research priorities for natural hazards emergency management in Australia PDF icon Download (1.62 MB) economics, risk analysis, risk management
Poster Aug 2019 Planning and Capability Requirements for Catastrophic and Cascading Events PDF icon Download (781 KB) capability, planning

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