Key topics


Volunteering is the act of working for an organisation without being paid. Volunteer retention is the ability to hold on to volunteers for future scenarios requiring their assistance.

Date Item Typesort descending Key Topics
The interaction between firefighting boot design and lower body injury risk at work Biblio PDF icon save (587.38 KB) emergency management, optimisation, volunteering
Emergency volunteer retention: can a culture of inclusiveness help? Biblio PDF icon save (1.36 MB) communities, diversity and inclusion, volunteering
Setting expectations during volunteer recruitment and the first day experience: a preregistered experimental test of the met expectations hypothesis Biblio communication, recruitment, volunteering
Improving volunteer recruitment and retention: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (1.46 MB) emergency management, recruitment, volunteering
State Emergency Service volunteer views on expectations, experiences and motivations Biblio PDF icon save (768.9 KB) emergency management, volunteering
Emergency volunteering in Australia: transforming, not declining Biblio PDF icon save (1017.73 KB) volunteering
Emergency Services Workforce 2030: Changing work literature review Biblio PDF icon save (2.63 MB) non-traditional recruitment, recruitment, volunteering
Emergency volunteering 2030: views from local government managers Biblio PDF icon save (985.88 KB) emergency management, governance, volunteering
Informal Volunteerism in Emergencies and Disasters: A Literature Review Biblio PDF icon save (676.37 KB) non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering
Out of uniform (building community resilience through non-traditional emergency volunteering): what have we learnt? Biblio PDF icon save (534.45 KB) non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering
What's wrong and what needs fixing? Stakeholder perspectives on making the future of emergency volunteering Biblio PDF icon save (1.22 MB) capability, emergency management, volunteering
Extending into community-led preparedness and planning just enough (but not too much?) Biblio communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering
Reducing turnover in volunteer organisations: A leadership intervention based on self-determination theory Biblio PDF icon save (1.77 MB) emergency management, recruitment, volunteering
Don't just do something, stand there! Mitigating goal seduction in emergency management Biblio capability, emergency management, volunteering
The integration of informal volunteers into animal emergency management: experiences from the 2015 South Australian bushfires - non peer reviewed extended abstract Biblio PDF icon save (184.77 KB) animals, volunteering
Emergency Services Workforce 2030 Biblio PDF icon save (2.1 MB) non-traditional recruitment, recruitment, volunteering
The changing landscape of disaster volunteering: opportunities, responses and gaps in Australia Biblio non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering
State Emergency Service (SES): Volunteer views on experiences, wellbeing, and motivations – Findings from the Cultural Assessment Tool (CAT) Survey 2019-20 Biblio PDF icon save (852.43 KB) non-traditional recruitment, recruitment, volunteering
Harnessing the capacities of spontaneous volunteers: application and adaptation of the Queensland model Biblio PDF icon save (177.09 KB) communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering
Assessing the potential, application, and implications of volunteered geographic information in disaster risk reduction Biblio PDF icon save (7.27 MB) communities, local knowledge, volunteering
Building Community Resilience Through Informal Emergency Volunteering Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (595.14 KB) non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering
When joining is not enough: emergency services volunteers and the intention to remain Biblio volunteering
A Review of Volunteered Geographic Information for Disaster Management Biblio communication, emergency management, volunteering
Improving the retention and engagement of volunteers in emergency service agencies: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (854.2 KB) communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering
Volunteering into the future – disaster events, local governments & communities Biblio PDF icon save (635.16 KB) emergency management, multi-hazard, volunteering
Volunteering research in Australia: A narrative review Biblio diversity and inclusion, emergency management, volunteering
Navigating authority and legitimacy when ‘outsider’ volunteers co-produce emergency management services Biblio PDF icon save (334.51 KB) capability, recruitment, volunteering
Emergency volunteering 2030: Views from emergency response volunteer representatives Biblio PDF icon save (1.18 MB) non-traditional recruitment, recruitment, volunteering
Out of uniform: building community resilience through non-traditional volunteering: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (1014.69 KB) non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering
Sleep Restriction during Simulated Wildfire Suppression: Effect on Physical Task Performance Biblio guidelines, volunteering
Emerging technologies for risk reduction: assessing the potential use of social media and VGI for increasing community engagement Biblio PDF icon save (570.72 KB) communication, local knowledge, volunteering
Exploring Volunteer Turnover Reasons, Intentions, and Behaviour Biblio communication, recruitment, volunteering
Enabling sustainable emergency volunteering - annual report 2019-2020 Biblio PDF icon save (1.73 MB) non-traditional recruitment, recruitment, volunteering
Investigating the activation of community fire units in the Blue Mountains during the October 2013 bushfires Biblio PDF icon save (5.29 MB) fire, local knowledge, volunteering
First responder mental health: Fire and Rescue New South Wales experience Biblio PDF icon save (515.2 KB) recruitment, resilience, volunteering
Disaster Resilient Communities: Engagement with Spontaneous Volunteer Groups Biblio PDF icon save (1.05 MB) communities, emergency management, volunteering
A review of informal volunteerism in emergencies and disasters: Definition, opportunities and challenges Biblio PDF icon save (384.22 KB) multi-hazard, volunteering
Centralised coordination of spontaneous emergency volunteers: the EV CREW model Biblio PDF icon save (327.34 KB) response, severe weather, volunteering
Enabling sustainable emergency volunteering – final project report Biblio PDF icon save (3.17 MB) non-traditional recruitment, recruitment, volunteering
Community-led bushfire preparedness in action: The case of Be Ready Warrandyte Biblio PDF icon save (834.52 KB) communities, decision making, volunteering

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