Key topics


Policy is a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an individual or organisation.

Date Itemsort descending Type Key Topics
12 Jun 2015 Project news - Economics of Natural Hazards News economics, multi-hazard, policy
15 Nov 2016 Project news – Policies, institutions and governance of natural hazards News emergency management, governance, policy
03 May 2017 Project update - scientific diversity News governance, planning, policy
26 Sep 2016 Project update - scientific diversity News flood, mitigation, policy
02 Mar 2016 Project update - scientific diversity News communities, mitigation, policy
Public Policy and Disaster Justice Biblio governance, policy, vulnerability
08 Oct 2019 R&D in Australia – is it delivering? News capability, policy, risk management
11 Jan 2016 Raising the bar on risk reduction policy and planning Resource PDF icon save (144.04 KB) governance, planning, policy
18 Aug 2020 Raising the standards of research Blog framework, governance, policy
Reimagining Education in a Pandemic: Children and Young People as Powerful Educators Biblio child-centred, education, policy
03 Nov 2017 Removing disaster barriers through policy reform Resource PDF icon save (718.86 KB) framework, governance, policy
26 Feb 2021 Researchers needed for three new projects into fire and land management News framework, land management, policy
18 Sep 2018 Restorative inquiries and natural disasters Resource PDF icon save (1.76 MB) policy
Restorative inquiries and natural disasters - symposium report Biblio PDF icon save (5.16 MB) framework, governance, policy
Review of literature on decision support systems for natural hazard risk reduction: current status and future research directions Biblio decision making, policy, risk management
Reviewing high-risk and high-consequence decisions: finding a safer way Biblio framework, governance, policy
19 Jul 2017 Rhetoric or reality: Coordination in a time of crisis Resource PDF icon save (307.35 KB) emergency management, governance, policy
11 Jan 2018 Rhetoric or reality: crisis coordination Resource PDF icon save (280.47 KB) decision making, policy, risk management
11 Sep 2015 Science in Motion Resource PDF icon save (1.44 MB) governance, policy
Science in motion: knowledge practices and prescribed burning in southwest Victoria - non peer reviewed extended abstract Biblio PDF icon save (179.13 KB) governance, policy, prescribed burning
07 Sep 2017 Science is critical but it is not everything: our findings Resource PDF icon save (2.12 MB) governance, planning, policy
Science is critical but it's not everything: our findings Biblio PDF icon save (582.35 KB) governance, planning, policy
26 May 2016 Scientific diversity - project update News communities, mitigation, policy
10 Apr 2015 Scientific Diversity 2015 NSW RAF Presentation Resource PDF icon save (843.34 KB) mitigation, planning, policy
Scientific diversity and uncertainty in risk mitigation policy and planning Project governance, planning, policy
11 Dec 2015 Scientific diversity project news News communities, mitigation, policy
14 Dec 2016 Scientific diversity project update News flood, mitigation, policy
13 Nov 2017 Scientific diversity project update News governance, planning, policy
Scientific diversity, scientific uncertainty and risk mitigation policy & planning - final report Biblio PDF icon save (866.36 KB) diversity and inclusion, planning, policy
Scientific diversity, scientific uncertainty and risk mitigation policy and planning: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (404.49 KB) planning, policy, risk management
Scientific diversity, scientific uncertainty and risk mitigation policy and planning: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (938.45 KB) mitigation, policy, risk management
Scientific diversity, scientific uncertainty and risk mitigation policy and planning: annual report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (699.95 KB) governance, planning, policy
Scientific Knowledge and Scientific Uncertainty in Bushfire and Flood Risk Mitigation: Literature Review Biblio PDF icon save (2.47 MB) governance, planning, policy
30 Jun 2017 Scientific knowledge Q and A Resource PDF icon save (1.43 MB) governance, planning, policy
Scientific Uncertainty and Risk Mitigation Policy and Planning Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (299.29 KB) governance, planning, policy
11 Sep 2015 Shared responsibility - Shades of grey Resource PDF icon save (1.22 MB) governance, policy
Shared responsibility: the who, what and how Biblio communities, governance, policy
30 Aug 2016 Sharing responsibility for disaster resilience: What are the obligations of the community? - Anna Lukasiewicz Resource PDF icon save (1.56 MB) governance, multi-hazard, policy
25 Nov 2020 Sharing the risk Resource policy, risk management, vulnerability
18 Dec 2017 Sharing the risk News policy, risk management, vulnerability

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