Key topics


Fire is the product of a chemical reaction between fuel, oxygen and heat. Heat is necessary to start the reaction and once ignited, fire produces its own heat and becomes self-supporting.

Date Item Typesort descending Key Topics
Quantification of inter-regional differences in risk mitigation from prescribed burning across multiple management values Biblio climate change, fire, risk management
The Heatwaves of the 2013/14 Australian Summer Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (1.59 MB) fire, forecasting
Science in Motion: integrating scientific knowledge into bushfire risk mitigation in southwest Victoria Biblio PDF icon save (211.26 KB) fire, mitigation, planning
Exploring the key drivers of forest flammability in wet eucalypt forests using expert-derived conceptual models Biblio PDF icon save (1.48 MB) fire, fire impacts, land management
Towards comprehensive characterisation of flammability and fire danger Biblio PDF icon save (1.57 MB) fire, remote sensing, risk analysis
Large-eddy simulations of pyro-convection and its sensitivity to mositure Biblio fire, fire weather, forecasting
Fire-driven decline of endemic Allosyncarpia monsoon rainforests in Northern Australia Biblio environments, fire, land management
Changing Fire Regimes in Tropical and Subtropical Australia Biblio PDF icon save (7.08 MB) fire, Northern Australia, savanna grasslands
Fuels3D - final project report Biblio PDF icon save (2.21 MB) fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
The Theory/Practice of Disaster Justice: Learning from Indigenous Peoples’ Fire Management Biblio fire, indigenous communities, resilience
Human error during the multilevel responses to three Australian bushfire disasters Biblio decision making, emergency management, fire
A bushfire evacuation planning service utilising multiple simulation systems - non peer reviewed extended abstract Biblio PDF icon save (292.86 KB) fire, planning
A review of firebrand studies on generation and transport Biblio PDF icon save (7.65 MB) fire, modelling, propagation
Simulations of the effect of canopy density profile on sub-canopy wind speed profiles Biblio PDF icon save (1.08 MB) fire, fire weather, modelling
Modeling Vorticity-Driven Wildfire Behavior Using Near-Field Techniques Biblio PDF icon save (2.97 MB) fire, modelling, physics
Risks and opportunities for sustainable savanna fire management Biblio PDF icon save (2.07 MB) fire, Northern Australia, savanna grasslands
Enhanced estimation of background temperature for fire detection using new geostationary sensors Biblio PDF icon save (538.96 KB) fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Exponential random graph modelling of emergency collaboration network Biblio fire, response
Calculation of critical water flow rates for wildfire suppression Biblio PDF icon save (1.69 MB) fire, firefighter, response
Approaches for investigating wildfire impacts on catchment hydrology Biblio PDF icon save (2.91 MB) environments, fire, fire impacts
Identification and quantitative analysis of smoldering and flaming combustion of Radiata Pine Biblio fire, modelling, propagation
Deriving comprehensive forest structure information from mobile laser scanning observations using automated point cloud classification Biblio fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
The Effect of Hazard Reduction Burning on the Fuel Array in Nature Reserves and Urban Parks in the Australian Capital Territory Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (1.89 MB) fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Examining bushfire policy in action: Preparedness and behaviour in the 2009 Black Saturday fires Biblio PDF icon save (438.46 KB), PDF icon save (513.82 KB) communities, fire, policy
Effects of Sydney coastal dry sclerophyll forest litter on fuels and fire behaviour in Hornsby shire Biblio PDF icon save (2.29 MB) fire, fire impacts, fuel reduction
Studying leaf area density based wind adjustment factor in Spark Biblio PDF icon save (3.49 MB) fire, modelling, propagation
Advances in the remote sensing of active fires: a review Biblio PDF icon save (1.79 MB) emergency management, fire, remote sensing
Determination of Firebrand Characteristics Using Thermal Videos Biblio PDF icon save (3.51 MB) fire, fire severity, modelling
Effective communication of household wildfire risk through WebGIS: considerations in content, representation and design Biblio PDF icon save (3.91 MB) communication, fire, modelling
How does remotely sensed degree of curing and fuel load vary in grasslands and effect modelled fire spread? Biblio PDF icon save (5.01 MB) fire, remote sensing
Meteorological drivers of the eastern Victorian Black Summer (2019–2020) fires Biblio fire, fire weather, scenario analysis
Evaluation of daily soil moisture deficit used in Australian forest fire danger rating system Biblio PDF icon save (2.64 MB) fire, modelling, remote sensing
A Seasonal-Window Ensemble-Based Thresholding Technique Used to Detect Active Fires in Geostationary Remotely Sensed Data Biblio emergency management, fire, remote sensing
Utilization of remote sensing techniques for the quantification of fire behavior in two pine stands Biblio environments, fire, remote sensing
Effects of Oxygen Concentration on Radiation-Aided and Self-sustained Smoldering Combustion of Radiata Pine Biblio fire, fire weather, fuel reduction
Tympanic Temperature to Predict Core Temperatures of Firefighters Report Biblio PDF icon save (690.93 KB) fire, response
Efficiency of Individual Tree Detection Approaches Based on Light-Weight and Low-Cost UAS Imagery in Australian Savannas Biblio fire, Northern Australia, remote sensing
Development of a predictive model for estimating forest surface fuel load in Australian eucalypt forests with LiDAR data Biblio fire, modelling, remote sensing
A handbook of wildfire engineering: guidance for wildfire suppression and resilient urban design Biblio PDF icon save (3.78 MB) engineering, fire, resilience
Statistical characterisation of wind fields over complex terrain with applications in bushfire modelling Biblio emergency management, fire, physics

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