Search Publications

Date Typesort descending Title Key Topics Download
08/2008 Journal Article A preliminary investigation of temporal patterns in semi...
4/2009 Journal Article Respiratory Irritants in Australian Bushfire Smoke: Air...
1/2013 Journal Article A critical review of the science underpinning fire manag...
08/2015 Journal Article Erratum to “Using discrete event simulation cellular aut...
04/2016 Journal Article Coupled fire-atmosphere simulations of the Rocky River f... fire weather, modelling, scenario analysis
Journal Article Short Communication on Research Response to the Black Sa...
9/01/2009 Journal Article Assessing the impact of climate change on extreme fire w...
07/2020 Journal Article An Adaptive Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Use in... earthquake, modelling, physics
09/2019 Journal Article Applying the principles of adaptive governance to bushfi... governance, land management, policy
04/2020 Journal Article A global canopy water content product from AVHRR/Metop fuel reduction, land management, remote sensing
02/2023 Journal Article Physics-based modelling of junction fires: Parametric st... fire, modelling, physics
01/2018 Journal Article Effects of prescribed fire and post-fire rainfall on mer... fire, prescribed burning
6/13/2007 Journal Article Juvenile arson intevention programs in Australia
12/2021 Journal Article Initial growth of fires in eucalypt litter, from ignitio... fire, response
2013 Journal Article Uncertainty associated with model predictions of surface...
01/2016 Journal Article An animal just like me: the importance of preserving the... animals, communication, risk management
2005 Journal Article Is staying at home the safest option during bushfires? H...
08/2017 Journal Article Using alternative soil moisture estimates in the McArthu... fire, fire impacts, modelling
2008 Journal Article Soil temperatures during autumn prescribed burning: impl...
Journal Article Planning for more bushfires: implications of urban growt...
Journal Article Managing Emergencies: Key Competencies for Incident Mana...
01/2021 Journal Article On the Impacts of Observation Location, Timing, and Freq... flood, forecasting, modelling
3/22/2008 Journal Article Existing fire behaviour models under-predict the rate of...
12/15/2008 Journal Article Volunteer firefighting and family life: An organisationa...
11/2017 Journal Article Seismic fragility curves for limited ductile RC Building... earthquake, mitigation, modelling
08/2019 Journal Article Valuing non-market economic impacts from natural hazards economics, emergency management, risk management PDF icon valuing_non-market_economic_impacts_from_natural_hazards.pdf
04/2017 Journal Article Investigating surface and near-surface bushfire fuel att... environments, fire, remote sensing
03/2018 Journal Article The response of the southwest Western Australian wave cl... coastal, environments, severe weather
03/2013 Journal Article The effect of patch area on birds in central Australian...
Journal Article Wind loads on solar panels mounted parallel to pitched r... cyclone, engineering, mitigation
12/2020 Journal Article Disaster Risk Reduction in Bushfire Prone Areas: Challen... fire, planning, risk management
2011 Journal Article Fungi and fire in Australian ecosystems: a review of cur...
2006 Journal Article Seasonality and fire severity in savanna landscapes of m...
05/2009 Journal Article Estimating fractional cover of photosynthetic vegetation...
8/2012 Journal Article Fire behaviour modelling in semi-arid mallee-heath shrub...
12/2017 Journal Article Simulating the effectiveness of prescribed burning at al... fire, fuel reduction, prescribed burning
4/19/2007 Journal Article Fighting fatigue whilst fighting bushfire
02/2019 Journal Article Predicting the probability of failure of timber bridges... engineering, infrastructure, vulnerability
11/11/2014 Journal Article Predictors of south-eastern Australian householders’ str... communication, communities, warnings
04/2017 Journal Article The Unquantified Risk of Post-Fire Metal Concentration i... environments, fire, soil moisture
05/2018 Journal Article Enhancing the policy relevance of exploratory scenarios:... decision making, risk analysis, scenario analysis
11/2020 Journal Article A Computational Tool for Ground‐Motion Simulations Incor... earthquake, modelling, physics
Journal Article Children's understanding of natural hazards in Chri... child-centred, communication, risk management PDF icon ajem-29-01-16.pdf
03/2011 Journal Article Pack Hike Test finishing time for Australian firefighter...
04/2018 Journal Article Earthquakes don’t kill, built environment does: evidence... earthquake, engineering, vulnerability
01/2017 Journal Article Community Understanding of Tsunami Risk and Warnings Sys... communities, tsunami, warnings PDF icon Community Understanding of Tsunami Risk and Warnings Systems in Australia, AJEM
11/2017 Journal Article Children in disasters: the role of household preparednes... child-centred, multi-hazard, resilience
2007 Journal Article Efficacy of permanent firebreaks and aerial prescribed b...
04/2019 Journal Article Assessing the ability of image based point clouds captur... environments PDF icon assessing_the_ability_of_image_based_point_clouds_captured_from_a_uav_to_me.pdf
02/2010 Journal Article Can climate at the seed-source predict the success of eu...