Typesort descending Date Title Download Key Topics
Poster Sep 2018 Diversity and inclusion: building strength and capability PDF icon Download (852.8 KB) communities, diversity and inclusion, multi-hazard
Presentation-Audio-Video Dec 2017 Lessons learned from the Waroona fire: AFAC webinar File Download (0 bytes) fire, fire weather, modelling
Presentation-Slideshow Jul 2019 Improving flood forecast skill using Remote Sensing data PDF icon Download (4.36 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
Poster Aug 2020 ACCESS-Fire: a case study PDF icon Download (1.81 MB) modelling
Presentation-Slideshow May 2015 The Exposure of Emergency Service Personnel to Asbestos Presentation PDF icon Download (2.2 MB) emergency management, exposure
Presentation-Audio-Video Sep 2018 AFAC18 Day 2 - highlights File Download (0 bytes) emergency management, multi-hazard
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2017 Secondary eyewall formation in tropical cyclones PDF icon Download (1.04 MB) cyclone, severe weather, tropical
Poster Aug 2015 Long-Range Spotting by Bushfire Plumes: The Effects of In-Plume Turbulence on Firebrand Trajectory PDF icon Download (227.12 KB) communication, fire weather, severe weather
Poster Aug 2014 Voluntary expectations and experience PDF icon Download (433.84 KB)
Presentation-Slideshow May 2019 Mapping bushfire hazard and impacts PDF icon Download (1.96 MB)
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2020 France-Australia Workshop: Day 3/Panel 1 Tina Bell PDF icon Download (2.1 MB)
Poster Aug 2016 Improving the resilience of existing housing to severe wind events PDF icon Download (234.62 KB) infrastructure, resilience
Poster Jun 2017 Ensemble prediction of the East Coast Low of April 2015 PDF icon Download (1.28 MB) communication, flood, severe weather
Presentation-Slideshow Oct 2018 Resilience and vulnerability: Two Sides of the same coin PDF icon Download (1.24 MB)
Poster Dec 2020 Recovery strategies of Eucalyptus delegatensis subsp. tasmaniensisafter the 2016 fires in Central Tasmania PDF icon Download (1.1 MB) fire
Presentation-Audio-Video Aug 2021 Trailer, Response 2: Flood risk communication File Download (0 bytes) communication, flood, warnings
Presentation-Audio-Video Aug 2017 Research Driving Change - Showcase 2017 (short version) File Download (0 bytes) emergency management, multi-hazard
Presentation-Audio-Video Dec 2015 The science and modelling of hazards #AFAC15 File Download (0 bytes) modelling, multi-hazard, risk analysis
Presentation-Slideshow Apr 2018 Three Minute Thesis: Enhancing public information practice in Tasmania's emergency services PDF icon Download (337.13 KB) communities, emergency management, volunteering
Poster Aug 2015 How Risk Informs Emergency Management: A Study of the Interface Between Risk Modelling for Tsunami Inundation and Emergency Management Policies and Procedures PDF icon Download (301.57 KB) communication, communities, tsunami

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