Typesort descending Date Title Download Key Topics
Jul 2015 Bill Calcutt PhD Progress Report 2015 PDF icon Download (62.24 KB)
Presentation-Audio-Video Oct 2014 Discovering future disaster management capability needs using scenario planning capability, emergency management, scenario analysis
Poster Dec 2020 Characterising smoke emissions from the 2013 Eucalyptus forest fire in Southern Australia PDF icon Download (830.25 KB) fire severity
Poster Sep 2018 Prevalence and predictors of mental health in firefighters PDF icon Download (1021.42 KB) emergency management, resilience, risk management
Guide-Fact Sheet Dec 2018 Driving into floodwater - practice brief one December 2018 PDF icon Download (417.72 KB) communication, flood, warnings
Aug 2016 2016 Call for Expressions of Interest PDF icon Download (501.88 KB)
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2017 Observationally-constrained flood forecasting PDF icon Download (1.64 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
FireAustralia Edition Sep 2018 Fire Australia Issue Three 2018 PDF icon Download (19.49 MB) coastal, fire, Northern Australia
Presentation-Audio-Video Aug 2021 Prof Vivienne Tippett interview: effective risk and warnings File Download (0 bytes) communication, communities, warnings
Poster Aug 2014 Growing community disaster resilience: Are arrangements for implementing the national strategy for disaster resilience fit-for-purpose? PDF icon Download (228.92 KB)
Presentation-Audio-Video Aug 2017 Three Minute Thesis: Melanie Baker-Jones - Showcase 2017 communication, emergency management, warnings
Presentation-Audio-Video Oct 2014 Devloping an index of resilience for Australian communities communities, resilience
Poster Aug 2015 Insuring Agaisnt Disasters: Minimising Perverse Incentives and Promoting Mitigation PDF icon Download (148.89 KB) framework, governance, policy
Presentation-Slideshow Oct 2019 Fire Spread Across Fuel Types PDF icon Download (3.21 MB) fire weather, fuel reduction
Presentation-Slideshow May 2015 "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" Presentation PDF icon Download (2.08 MB) communication, fire
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2014 Building new migrants' safety and disaster resilience in New Zealand PDF icon Download (230.77 KB) communication, resilience
Poster Dec 2020 Enabling sustainable emergency volunteering PDF icon Download (258.18 KB) emergency management, volunteering
Presentation-Audio-Video Oct 2018 The Curly tail of cyclone protection - Mitchell Scovell Three Minute Thesis File Download (0 bytes) cyclone, mitigation
Presentation-Slideshow Jul 2019 The ‘evidence gap’ in risk mitigation PDF icon Download (1.84 MB) diversity and inclusion, economics, planning
Poster Jun 2017 Measuring social, environmental and economic consequences of road structure failure due to natural disasters PDF icon Download (901.17 KB) infrastructure, multi-hazard

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