Typesort descending Date Title Download Key Topics
FireAustralia Edition Feb 2016 Fire Australia Summer 2015-16 PDF icon Download (11.81 MB) earthquake, fire impacts, volunteering
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2017 An organisational response to Stage 3 Geography and the study of a contemporary bushfire event PDF icon Download (860.25 KB) child-centred, education, fire
Presentation-Slideshow Apr 2018 How can we Deliver Training to Build north Australian Community Resilience? PDF icon Download (1.38 MB) indigenous communities, Northern Australia, resilience
Poster Aug 2016 Understanding the risk information needs for New Zealand’s CDEM sector PDF icon Download (313.72 KB) infrastructure, resilience
Poster Aug 2015 Flood Damage Assessment in Urban Areas PDF icon Download (204.87 KB) flood, risk management
Presentation-Audio-Video Nov 2020 Future research opportunities | Northern Australia Research Engagement Forum (8/9) File Download (0 bytes) indigenous communities, local knowledge, Northern Australia
Presentation-Audio-Video May 2020 National Fire Fuels Science webinar - The science of hazard reduction (webinar 2 of 3) File Download (0 bytes) fire, fire severity, prescribed burning
Presentation-Slideshow May 2019 Valuing Volunteers Study Better understanding the primary motives for formal volunteering in Australian emergency services RAF May 2019 PDF icon Download (994 KB) emergency management, volunteering
Guide-Fact Sheet Oct 2019 Associate Student Flyer - 2019 PDF icon Download (459.72 KB)
Poster Aug 2019 Quick Economics: tools that help decision making in natural hazard mitigation PDF icon Download (1.34 MB) economics, multi-hazard
Workshop Material Jul 2017 Flood - a statement on research priorities for natural hazards emergency management in Australia PDF icon Download (1.78 MB) flood, severe weather, warnings
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2016 Using participatory mapping in bushfire preparation - Billy Haworth PDF icon Download (2.32 MB) communication, fire, volunteering
Presentation-Audio-Video Mar 2019 Sesa Singha Roy - early career researcher entry 2019 File Download (0 bytes) fire, fire severity, modelling
Presentation-Audio-Video Oct 2014 Managing severe weather - progress and opportunities risk management, severe weather
Presentation-Slideshow Aug 2019 Climate change as an emerging disaster risk in Australia and Oceania PDF icon Download (853.73 KB)
Poster Aug 2020 Adding Colour and Icons to Emergency Warning Messages PDF icon Download (445.46 KB) communication, multi-hazard, warnings
Presentation-Slideshow Apr 2015 In the Line of Fire 2015 NSW RAF Presentation PDF icon Download (491.92 KB) environments, response
Poster Jun 2017 Decision making, team monitoring & organisational learning: 2017 update PDF icon Download (3.31 MB) decision making, emergency management
Poster Sep 2015 Cultural Drivers of Disaster Risk Reduction Behaviour PDF icon Download (334.28 KB) indigenous communities, resilience
Presentation-Slideshow Sep 2017 Rapid response study: 2017 NSW heatwaves PDF icon Download (152.17 KB) communities, severe weather, vulnerability

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