Key topics


Fire is the product of a chemical reaction between fuel, oxygen and heat. Heat is necessary to start the reaction and once ignited, fire produces its own heat and becomes self-supporting.

Datesort descending Item Type Key Topics
Determining threshold conditions for extreme fire behaviour: annual project report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (1.52 MB) fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Estimating fire background temperature at a geostationary scale - an evaluation of contextual methods for AHI-8 Biblio fire, modelling, remote sensing
A comparison of the performance of Australian Standard smoke alarms in real fire tests when compared to standards-compliant devices from other jurisdictions Project fire, risk analysis, warnings
The effect of ignition protocol on grassfire development Biblio fire, modelling, physics
Large-eddy simulation of neutral atmospheric surface layer flow over heterogeneous tree canopies Biblio PDF icon save (1.28 MB) fire, modelling, propagation
Black Summer - how the NSW community responded to the 2019-20 bushfire season Biblio PDF icon save (2.89 MB) communication, communities, fire
Use of remote sensing measurements and data assimilation techniques to improve estimates of landscape dryness Biblio PDF icon save (1.64 MB) fire, land management, soil moisture
Models of buoyant plume rise Biblio PDF icon save (1.3 MB) fire, fire weather, modelling
Feeling the heat: International perspectives on the prevention of wildfire ignition Biblio fire, planning, preparedness
Pyrocumulonimbus: A Literature Review Biblio PDF icon save (694.88 KB) fire, modelling
Quantifying fuel hazard assessments - Fuels3D annual report 2019-2020 Biblio PDF icon save (663.64 KB) fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Coupled fire atmosphere modelling annual report 2018-2019 Biblio PDF icon save (467.49 KB) fire, fire impacts, fire weather
An optimization model for aggregation of prescribed burn units Biblio fire, fuel reduction
Integrated urban planning for natural hazard mitigation Biblio PDF icon save (2.41 MB) fire, mitigation, risk analysis
Disaster Landscape Attribution: Fire Surveillance and Hazard Mapping, Data Scaling and Validation Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (987.79 KB) fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
The potential for coastal dune de-stabilisation following 2015/16 wildfires near Esperance, WA Biblio PDF icon save (1.24 MB) coastal, fire, fire impacts
Perceptions of risk and connection to landscape Biblio communities, fire, risk management
LiDAR Application in Forest Fuel Measurements for Bushfire Hazard Mitigation Biblio PDF icon save (3.34 MB) fire, modelling, remote sensing
Determining Threshold Conditions for Extreme Fire Behaviour Annual Report 2017-2018 Biblio PDF icon save (833.68 KB) fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Increasing the comprehensiveness of bushfire risk management in Victoria through the planning system Biblio PDF icon save (791.82 KB) fire, planning, risk management
Methods for background temperature estimation in the context of active fire detection Project fire
Next generation Fuels 3D remote sensing Project fire, fire impacts, remote sensing
Fire spread prediction across fuel types Project fire, modelling, propagation
Fire in the south: a cross-continental exchange Biblio PDF icon save (6.19 MB) fire, indigenous communities
Probability of fire ignition and escalation Project fire, fuel reduction
Firefighter involvement in Youth Justice Conferencing: Implications for fire prevention Biblio communities, education, fire
Risk and protection factors for bushfire resilience and recovery - non peer reviewed extended abstract Biblio PDF icon save (203.71 KB) fire, recovery, resilience
Simulations of the waroona fire with the access-fire coupled fire atmosphere model Biblio PDF icon save (914.91 KB) fire, fire impacts, modelling
What are the safety implications of dynamic fire behaviours? Biblio emergency management, fire, fire impacts
Savanna fire management and bushfire and natural hazard scenario planning for northern Australia: annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (2.82 MB) fire, fire severity, fuel reduction
Incorporating convective feedback in wildfire simulations using pyrogenic potential Biblio fire, modelling, optimisation
An investigation of the dynamics of fire-fire interactions using a coupled fire-atmosphere model Project fire, modelling
Modelling emissions from prescribed burning using FULLCAM Biblio PDF icon save (1.69 MB) fire, fuel reduction, prescribed burning
Simulations of the effect of canopy density profile on sub-canopy wind speed profiles Biblio PDF icon save (1.08 MB) fire, fire weather, modelling
Aboriginal Peoples and the response to the 2019-2020 bushfires Biblio PDF icon save (1.73 MB) fire, indigenous communities, resilience
Variation in Eucalyptus delegatensis post-fire recovery strategies: The Tasmanian subspecies is a resprouter whereas the mainland Australian subspecies is an obligate seeder Biblio fire, fire impacts, land management
The Australian Flammability Monitoring System Biblio PDF icon save (805.45 KB) fire, fire impacts, modelling
Risk perception, preparedness and response of livestock producers to bushfires: a South Australian case study Biblio PDF icon save (109.26 KB) animals, fire, risk management
Informing Queensland's bushfire review 2018 Project communication, fire, fire impacts
A fuel moisture content and flammability monitoring methodology for continental Australia based on optical remote sensing Biblio emergency management, fire, savanna grasslands

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