Key topics


Communication is the transfer of information through various verbal and written mediums between people or agencies.

Date Item Typesort descending Key Topics
30 Jun 2020 Evaluating the impacts of the CRC Resource communication, local knowledge, prescribed burning
03 Oct 2017 AFAC17- Continuing the conversation: Data for performance Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, emergency management, multi-hazard
22 Sep 2020 Emergency warning messages: do colours and icons improve community readiness to act? Resource PDF icon save (354.67 KB) communication, communities, warnings
29 Jun 2017 Risk modelling as a tool to support natural hazard risk management in New Zealand local government Resource PDF icon save (1.95 MB) communication, risk management
19 Sep 2018 A case study of South Australia's severe thunderstorm and tornado outbreak (28 September 2016) Resource PDF icon save (2.27 MB) communication, fire weather, severe weather
08 May 2015 Effective Communication of Household Bushfire Risk Poster Resource PDF icon save (821.14 KB) communication, fire
30 Apr 2020 When is water on the roads dangerous? - practice brief three April 2020 Resource PDF icon save (1.56 MB) communication, flood, warnings
26 Feb 2019 Stretch your thinking on natural hazards management - 17 to 19 June, Canberra Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, emergency management, land management
18 Aug 2015 Managing Animals in Disasters (MAiD): Improving Preparedness, Response, and Resilience through Individual and Organisational Collaboration Resource PDF icon save (655.46 KB) animals, communication, risk management
16 Apr 2018 Improving the role of hazard communications in increasing residents’ preparedness for bushfires and floods Resource PDF icon save (1.79 MB) communication, planning, preparedness
13 Aug 2021 Prof Vivienne Tippett interview: effective risk and warnings Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, communities, warnings
08 Oct 2020 How do road characteristics influence flood fatalities? Resource PDF icon save (820.34 KB) communication, decision making, flood
18 Sep 2018 Disaster risk reduction education policies and practices in Indonesia: Bridging the research-practice gaps Resource PDF icon save (1011.95 KB) child-centred, communication, resilience
17 May 2016 Decision making, team monitoring and organisational learning Resource PDF icon save (1.79 MB) communication, decision making, multi-hazard
25 Nov 2020 A new model for helping Resource communication, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering
07 Jul 2017 Communicating and warning: getting the message across more effectively Resource PDF icon save (4.79 MB) communication, flood, warnings
21 May 2020 Cognitive Bias Aide Memoire Resource PDF icon save (147.31 KB) communication, decision making, emergency management
11 Apr 2016 Public response to fire management across countries: more similarities than differences Resource PDF icon save (1.09 MB) communication, communities, fire
10 Jun 2020 Highly commended research at EMPA conference 2020 Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, planning, volunteering
03 Oct 2017 AFAC17 - Continuing the conversation: Strengthening organisations Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, emergency management, multi-hazard
25 Nov 2015 Managing Animals in Disasters - project overview video Resource File save (0 bytes) animals, communication, risk management
13 Aug 2021 Trailer: The evolution of communications & warnings in emergency preparedness, response & recovery Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, communities, warnings
22 Sep 2020 Emergency warning messages: how do community members comprehend them? Resource PDF icon save (629.29 KB) communication, communities, warnings
18 Apr 2017 Flood Risk Communication Resource PDF icon save (354.87 KB) communication, flood, warnings
24 Sep 2019 Towards protective action: Effective risk and warning communication during natural hazards Resource PDF icon save (1.29 MB) communication, warnings
29 Jun 2017 Bushfire preparedness: how to become 'fire-fit' without really noticing Resource PDF icon save (1.22 MB) animals, communication, resilience
22 Apr 2020 Fire fuels science webinars Resource communication, communities, multi-hazard
21 Dec 2018 Driving into floodwater - practice brief one December 2018 Resource PDF icon save (417.72 KB) communication, flood, warnings
30 Aug 2016 Using participatory mapping in bushfire preparation - Billy Haworth Resource PDF icon save (2.32 MB) communication, fire, volunteering
04 Apr 2019 Conflicting cues with emergency warnings impacts protective action Resource PDF icon save (920.62 KB) communication, communities, warnings
18 Aug 2015 Social Media: the Difference Between Public Expectation and the Ability to Blame at Law when Expectations are not Met? Resource PDF icon save (361.04 KB) communication, emergency management, risk analysis
16 Apr 2018 Towards Protective Action: Effective Risk and Warning Communication During Natural Hazards Resource PDF icon save (1.01 MB) communication, multi-hazard, warnings
13 Aug 2021 Hon A/Prof Mel Taylor interview: flood risk communication Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, flood, warnings
08 Sep 2014 Building new migrants' safety and disaster resilience in New Zealand Resource PDF icon save (230.77 KB) communication, resilience
06 Dec 2015 Supporting our people, challenging our culture #AFAC15 Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, emergency management, planning
30 Jun 2017 Contributions of digital volunteering to community resilience Resource PDF icon save (7.02 MB) communication, local knowledge, volunteering
20 Mar 2020 Quite a start to the year Resource communication, communities, recovery
23 Nov 2018 How perceptions about community preparedness influence householders' own hazard readiness Resource PDF icon save (2.7 MB) communication, communities, preparedness
24 Jul 2019 Vehicle related flood deaths - practice brief two July 2019 Resource PDF icon save (1.11 MB) communication, flood, warnings
27 May 2020 Fire science helps understand the 2019/20 summer bushfires Resource communication, prescribed burning

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