Vaibhav Gupta

Dr Vaibhav Gupta

Completed associate student
Dr Vaibhav Gupta

Dr Vaibhav Gupta’s PhD investigated the application of two emerging and independent terrestrial remote sensing technologies to ascertain burn severity of prescribed burns in dry sclerophyll forests of south east Australia. His research identified metrics derived from hyperspectral and terrestrial laser scanning data that best describe change produced in the landscape in response to the prescribed burns.

Vaibhav is now a remote sensing analyst at the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

His thesis is available here

Student project

This research is investigating the application of terrestrial LiDAR and hyperspectral remote sensing to detect and map burnt areas following prescribed burns in dry sclerophyll forests in south east Australia. The burn severity of prescribed burns is also being ascertained, with the terrestrial LiDAR helping to quantify structural changes in the landscape, while the hyperspectral remote sensing enables monitoring of the physiological responses.
Disaster Landscape Attribution Monitoring Changes in Burnt Understorey Using Terrestrial Laser Scanning
18 Aug 2015
This research monitors changes in understorey fuel hazards for up to 2 years post-burn using...

Resources credited

Type Released Title Download Key Topics
Presentation-Slideshow 17 Oct 2019 Fuels3D PDF icon Save (5.15 MB) fire, fire impacts
HazardNoteEdition 28 Nov 2016 Monitoring and predicting natural hazards PDF icon Save (853.18 KB) forecasting, modelling, severe weather

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