Student Publications

Year Typesort ascending Citation
2018 Thesis Hall, S. J. Sleep and stress in on-call fire and emergency service workers. Faculty of Health PhD, (2018).
2019 Thesis Calcutt, B. Valuing volunteers: better understanding the primary motives for volunteering in Australian emergency services. School of Management, Operations and Marketing Master of Philosophy, (2019).
2018 Thesis Brown, D. Domestic architecture and the perception of risk in bushfire-prone areas. (2018). at <>
2015 Thesis Larsen, B. Simulated Self-Paced Wildfire Suppression Work in Different Thermal Conditions. Deakin University 236 (2015). at <>
2018 Thesis Wang, H. Initiation of smouldering combustion in biomass. School of Mechanical Engineering (2018). at <>
2019 Thesis Kloetzke, T. Simulation and analysis of surface wind fields during landfalling tropical cyclones. Civil Engineering Doctor of Philosophy, (2019).
2018 Thesis Hasanzadeh Nafari, R. Flood damage assessment in urban areas. Department of Infrastructure Engineering 247 (2018).
2017 Thesis Okada, T. Acknowledging local sociality in disaster recovery: a longitudinal, qualitative study. Department of Environmental Sciences (2017). doi:
2021 Thesis May, D. Taking fire: the historical and contemporary politics of Indigenous burning in Australia and the western United Statest. College of Arts and Social Sciences (2021). doi:10.25911/MA4M-SN80
2019 Thesis Goldbergs, G. Remote sensing of tree structure and biomass in north Australia mesic savanna. Engineering, IT and Environment Philosophy, (2019).
2018 Thesis Yang, Z. Understanding Wildfire Patterns in the South-Eastern Australia. Faculty of Engineering (2018). at <>
2018 Thesis Amirsardari, A. Seismic assessment of reinforced concrete buildings in Australia including the response of gravity frames. (2018). at <>
2018 Thesis Pooley, K. An evaluation of youth justice conferencing for youth misuse of fire. (2018). doi:10.5204/thesis.eprints.116520
2020 Thesis Gajanayake, A. Measuring the social, environmental and economic consequences of bridge failure due to natural disasters. School of Engineering Doctor of Philosophy, 250 (2020).
2019 Thesis Riddell, G. Foresight for risk – using scenarios for strategic risk assessment and management of emergent disaster risk. School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering (2019). at <>
2016 Thesis Florec, V. Economic analysis of prescribed burning in the south-west of Western Australia. School of Agricultural and Resource Economics Doctor of Philosophy, (2016).
2017 Thesis Strahan, K. Factors influencing householder self-evacuation in two Australian bushfires. Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences (2017). at <>
2018 Thesis Newland, C. Developing a (semi) automatic calibration procedure for cellular automata based land use models. School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering (2018). at <>
2017 Thesis Wright, A. Estimating areal rainfall time series using input data reduction, model inversion, and data assimilation. Monash University 146 (2017). at <>
2020 Thesis Scovell, M. Investigating the psychological factors that influence cyclone mitigation behaviour. College of Healthcare Sciences Doctor of Philosophy, 280 (2020).