
Type Title Credited author Credited author/s NON-CRC
Presentation-Slideshow Measuring the impacts of bushfires on human fatalities and building losses rvandenhonert, khaynes, lcoates
Presentation-Slideshow Sharing Responsibility and Non-Traditional Volunteering bmclennan, jhandmer, jwhittaker, fjennings
Presentation-Slideshow Incidents - Decision Making in Teams cowen
Presentation-Slideshow Research Program Overview Michael Rumsewicz
Presentation-Slideshow Building at the interface Justin Leonard
Presentation-Slideshow Objectives of the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC program Richard Thornton
Presentation-Slideshow How research can be used Noreen Krusel
Presentation-Slideshow Community Members' Responses to Bushfire Threat Jim McLennan
Presentation-Slideshow Fire Weather Research and Development jbally

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