PhD students from the Bushfire CRC at our Melbourne conference 2013
Support for PhD students has been extended to include a wider range of new researchers closely aligned to the main research program of the CRC.
Scholarships are being granted for Phd students to provide support for their studies and to attend our annual conference.
For other students who are conducting research in relevant areas but are not directly involved with the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC we have developed an Associate Student scheme.
To be eligible for support through this scheme, these students need to be conducting research that is likely to be of significant interest to Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC stakeholders (including research partners and end users).
Some students are already indirectly connected to the CRC through their supervisors, with their research adding to the depth or breadth of our research projects. These students may benefit from the exposure of being more formally affiliated. The benefits of being an Associate Student are:
Your career prospects in the emergency sector will be enhanced through a range of networking and professional development opportunities.
You will be eligible to apply for travel support for presentations at conferences aligned with the goals of the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, including the annual conference and other research and sector wide events.
Your bio and research outline will be on the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC website.