
Coastal risks arise from a combination of hazards, community exposure and vulnerability. Often deterministic and stochastic assumptions are used to describe changing hazards over multidecadal time horizons. This can guide impact analysis and the selection of adaptation policies.

Type Title Credited author Credited author/s NON-CRC
Presentation-Slideshow Out of uniform jwhittaker, bmclennan, jhandmer
Presentation-Slideshow The Australian natural disaster resilience index: a system for assessing the resilience of Australian communities to natural hazards pmorley, mparsons
Presentation-Slideshow Building community resilience in northern Australia jrussellsmith
Presentation-Slideshow Improving the retention and engagement of volunteers in emergency service agencies mjones
Presentation-Slideshow Managing Animals in Disasters: improving preparedness, response and resilience through individual and organisational collaboration mtaylor
Presentation-Slideshow North Australian bushfire and natural hazard training ssutton
Presentation-Slideshow Increasing preparedness and planning amongst residents of hazard prone areas jboldero, imcneill
Presentation-Slideshow Building best practice in Child-centred Disaster Risk Reduction: utilisation as the royal road kronan, btowers
Presentation-Slideshow Economics of Natural Hazards vflorec Morteza Chalak
Presentation-Slideshow Connecting communities and resilience: a multi-hazard study of preparedness response and recovery communications dgreer, vtippett
Presentation-Slideshow Mapping and understanding bushfire and natural hazard vulnerability and risks at the institutional scale cyoung, rjones John Symons
Presentation-Slideshow Policies, institutions and governance in natural hazards meburn Anna Lukasiewicz
Presentation-Slideshow Decision making, team monitoring and organisational learning cbearman, bbrooks, cowen
Presentation-Slideshow Using realistic disaster scenario analysis to understand natural hazard impacts and emergency management requirements tloridan
Presentation-Slideshow Spatial decision support system for natural hazard risk reduction policy assessment and planning hmaier, hvandelden, griddell, jnewman, azecchin, gdandy, cnewland
Presentation-Slideshow Scientific diversity, scientific uncertainty and bushfire and flood risk mitigation project tneale
Presentation-Slideshow An analysis of human fatalities from flood hazards in Australia, 1900-2015 khaynes, lcoates, fdimerdeoliveira, agissing, dbird, rvandenhonert Deirdre Radford, Rebecca D'arcy, Chloe Smith

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