Amy Lykins
Dr. Amy Lykins is an Associate Professor in Psychology and a registered Clinical Psychologist. Her current work in natural hazards is in two main areas: 1) personality factors, other psychological factors and decision-making when faced with an immediate natural hazard; and 2) how cultural cognitions and worldviews relate to perceptions of risk of natural hazards.
Supervisory roles
18 Sep 2018
Flood driving fatalities are on the rise despite appeals to the general public. While much is known...
30 Jun 2017
Flood fatalities are on the rise despite appeals to the general public for behavioural change....
Resources credited
Type | Released | Title | Download | Key Topics |
Presentation-Slideshow | 07 Sep 2017 | Cultural worldviews and natural hazard risk perception: a pilot study of Australian adults | Save (540.59 KB) | communities, indigenous communities, vulnerability |