Key topics


Flood refers to an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
08 Dec 2021 Taking protective action during floods and storms News communication, flood, warnings
30 Nov 2021 Taking protective action during floods and storms Resource communication, flood, warnings
04 Nov 2021 Development of a national set of Community Service Announcements for flood risk - practice brief eight November 2021 Resource PDF icon save (1.46 MB) communication, flood, warnings
13 Aug 2021 Response 2: Flood risk communication Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, flood, warnings
13 Aug 2021 Trailer, Response 2: Flood risk communication Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, flood, warnings
13 Aug 2021 Hon A/Prof Mel Taylor interview: flood risk communication Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, flood, warnings
18 May 2021 It can’t all be insured: counting the hidden economic impact of floods and bushfires Blog economics, fire, flood
05 Apr 2021 Floodplains aren’t separate to a river — they’re an extension of it. It’s time to change how we connect with them Blog communities, flood, resilience
25 Mar 2021 Flood planning benefits from multi hazard research approach Blog flood, multi-hazard, planning
24 Mar 2021 On the ground assessing flood impacts News flood, infrastructure, severe weather
22 Mar 2021 Why do people try to drive through floodwater or leave it too late to flee? Psychology offers some answers Blog communication, flood, warnings
21 Dec 2020 Would you drive into floodwater? News communication, flood, warnings
21 Dec 2020 Fire Australia Issue Four 2020 Resource PDF icon save (4.58 MB) communication, fire, flood
04 Dec 2020 Improving risk mitigation through better scenario modelling: a coastal inundation case study Resource PDF icon save (823.94 KB) exposure, flood, mitigation
25 Nov 2020 Looking back can prevent future flood deaths Resource economics, flood, risk analysis
17 Nov 2020 Assessing floodwater and communicating risk News communication, flood, warnings
16 Nov 2020 Driving and recreating in floodwater – What does Australia think? Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, flood, warnings
16 Nov 2020 Evaluating flood risk communication messaging – Analysing flood risk communication campaigns Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, flood, warnings
16 Nov 2020 When is water on the roads dangerous? – Perspectives of emergency service professionals Resource File save (0 bytes) communication, flood, warnings
22 Oct 2020 Building better plans to survive future disasters Resource communication, flood, resilience
08 Oct 2020 How do road characteristics influence flood fatalities? Resource PDF icon save (820.34 KB) communication, decision making, flood
05 Oct 2020 Download the Research into practice brief series Resource communication, flood, warnings
01 Oct 2020 Developing and validating a tool to assess expertise in the assessment of floodwater - practice brief seven October 2020 Resource PDF icon save (2.34 MB) communication, flood, warnings
17 Sep 2020 Resilience research central to blueprint News fire, flood, resilience
31 Aug 2020 Improving Flash Flood Response Outcomes Through Emergency Warnings and Improved Regional Forecasting Techniques Resource PDF icon save (357.11 KB) flood
31 Aug 2020 Nurturing to avoid nature: The influence of personality traits and cultural worldview on floodwater driving Resource PDF icon save (1.41 MB) flood
31 Aug 2020 Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data Resource PDF icon save (910.92 KB), PDF icon save (910.92 KB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
11 May 2020 Economic paper making immediate impact News economics, flood, modelling
08 May 2020 Communicating and perceiving flood risks and warnings News communication, flood, risk analysis
30 Apr 2020 Public survey of driving and recreating in floodwater - practice brief four April 2020 Resource PDF icon save (948.94 KB) communication, flood, warnings
30 Apr 2020 Evaluation of flood risk communication materials - practice brief five April 2020 Resource PDF icon save (1.51 MB) communication, flood, warnings
30 Apr 2020 When is water on the roads dangerous? - practice brief three April 2020 Resource PDF icon save (1.56 MB) communication, flood, warnings
30 Apr 2020 SES personnel’s experiences of driving in floodwater - practice brief six April 2020 Resource PDF icon save (2.99 MB) communication, flood, warnings
06 Nov 2019 Adaption pathways to manage increasing coastal flood risk Resource PDF icon save (296.3 KB) coastal, flood, storm surge
17 Oct 2019 Digital Earth Australia Resource PDF icon save (8.55 MB) flood, forecasting, remote sensing
24 Sep 2019 Flood Risk Communication Resource PDF icon save (2.5 MB) flood, risk management
09 Sep 2019 UNHaRMED makes waves in SA News decision making, flood, policy
27 Aug 2019 Flood Vulnerability Functions: Detailed vs Generalised Approach Resource PDF icon save (638.91 KB) engineering, flood, mitigation
27 Aug 2019 “If it’s flooded…” Occupational exposure to floodwater - what contributes to decisions to drive through? Resource PDF icon save (1.1 MB) flood
27 Aug 2019 A case study of South Australia's severe thunderstorm and tornado outbreak (28 September 2016) Resource PDF icon save (4.84 MB) communication, flood

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