All Student News Articles

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28 Apr 2016 Data to improve Tasmanian fire prediction fire severity, modelling, prescribed burning How do wet eucalypt forests burn? Managing Tasmania’s most dangerous fuel type
09 May 2016 Mitigation, flood forecasting and policy in focus communities, mitigation, policy Improving flood forecast skill using remote sensing data (PhD project), Scientific diversity and uncertainty in risk mitigation policy and planning
17 May 2016 Videos highlight research benefits coastal, indigenous communities, infrastructure Women caring for Waanyi and Garawa country, Cost-effective mitigation strategy for building related earthquake risk, Cost-effective mitigation strategy for flood prone buildings, Developing better predictions for extreme water levels, Enhancing resilience of critical road infrastructure, Improving the resilience of existing housing to severe wind events, Natural hazard exposure information modelling framework, Resilience to clustered disaster events on the coast - storm surge
14 Jun 2016 PhD students complete emergency management, mitigation, multi-hazard Ardity index as a predictor of the hydrogeomorphic response of burnt landscapes, Economic analysis of prescribed burning, Fighting fires and fatigue, Simulated self-paced wildfire suppression work in different thermal conditions, Sleep restriction across a simulated firefighting deployment: the impact on acute stress responses
14 Jul 2016 Migrants’ experience of natural disasters: participants needed for study communities, fire, local knowledge The persistent past: flood, fire and migrant memories of natural disasters in Australia
20 Jul 2016 Learning survival lessons in the wake of a tsunami communities, resilience, tsunami Cultural drivers of disaster response behaviour and their cross-cultural applicability
09 Aug 2016 Enriching learning experiences communication, local knowledge, volunteering Volunteered geographic information, community engagement and bushfire preparation
09 Aug 2016 Mitigation economics, fire modelling and student experiences in focus economics, fire weather, volunteering Statistical characterisation of wind fields over complex terrain with applications in bushfire modelling , Volunteered geographic information, community engagement and bushfire preparation, Improved decision support for natural hazard risk reduction
09 Aug 2016 Fire modelling in an uncertain world fire impacts, fire severity, fire weather Statistical characterisation of wind fields over complex terrain with applications in bushfire modelling
11 Aug 2016 Student takes out competition communication, cyclone, severe weather The structural response and progressive failure of batten to rafter connections under wind loads
08 Sep 2016 Awards recognise outstanding achievements Volunteered geographic information, community engagement and bushfire preparation, Effective risk and warning communication during natural hazards
12 Sep 2016 Student's cyclone research is popular communication, cyclone, severe weather The structural response and progressive failure of batten to rafter connections under wind loads