09/2017 |
Conference Paper |
Unpacking the sectoral income effects of natural disaste... |
economics, flood, modelling |
ulubasoglu_npr_final.pdf |
08/2016 |
Conference Paper |
Using participatory mapping to harness local knowledge a... |
communication, communities, risk management |
Using participatory mapping to harness local knowledge |
12/2019 |
Conference Paper |
Research activities within European Union research progr... |
emergency management, preparedness, resilience |
kaare_harald_drager.pdf |
Conference Paper |
Science in motion: knowledge practices and prescribed bu... |
governance, policy, prescribed burning |
Science in Motion |
09/2018 |
Conference Paper |
Mental health and wellbeing in the police and emergency... |
mental health, resilience, risk analysis |
Mental health and wellbeing in the police and emergency services sector |
12/2019 |
Conference Paper |
Development of Cost-effective Mitigation Strategy for Li... |
earthquake, engineering, vulnerability |
Development of Cost-effective Mitigation Strategy |
07/2015 |
Conference Paper |
Owner-Driven Reconstruction in India: A case-study of Ko... |
communities, recovery, resilience |
09/2018 |
Conference Paper |
Improved predictions of extreme sea levels around Austra... |
emergency management, risk management, storm surge |
Improved predictions of extreme sea levels around Australia |
09/2017 |
Conference Paper |
Organisational socialisation of volunteers in an emergen... |
emergency management, recruitment, volunteering |
jonesm_npr_final.pdf |
Conference Paper |
"We've got trouble getting around but we'... |
communication, communities, planning |
"We've got trouble getting around but we're still alright" |
2009 |
Conference Paper |
Field-based fire behaviour research: past and future rol... |
2018 |
Conference Paper |
Evaluation of TanDEM-X and DEM-H digital elevation model... |
flood, multi-hazard, optimisation |
Conference Paper |
Learning from Adversity: What Has 75 Years of Bushfire I... |
governance, policy |
Learning from Adversity Conference Paper 2014 |
09/2018 |
Conference Paper |
Disasters and economic resilience: income effects of the... |
economics, recovery, resilience |
Income effects of the Black Saturday bushfires on disaster-hit individuals |
02/2015 |
Conference Paper |
Urban Search and Rescue Operations in Tropical Climates... |
emergency management, Northern Australia, response |
brearley.pdf |
11/2016 |
Conference Paper |
Modelling non-ductile reinforced concrete columns |
earthquake, engineering, mitigation |
08/2016 |
Conference Paper |
Development of flood mitigation strategies for Australia... |
economics, engineering, mitigation |
Development of flood mitigation strategies for Australian residential buildings |
09/2017 |
Conference Paper |
From research to red tape - the challenges in implementi... |
emergency management, governance, policy |
savage_pr_final.pdf |
09/2018 |
Conference Paper |
Utilising grassroots engagement to drive cultural change |
communication, diversity and inclusion |
The value of grassroots communication and engagement to drive cultural change |
09/2019 |
Conference Paper |
Mitigating earthquake risk in Australia |
earthquake, mitigation, vulnerability |
09/2017 |
Conference Paper |
Mapping the efficacy of an Australian fuel reduction bur... |
fuel reduction, modelling, prescribed burning |
wallace_npr_final.pdf |
12/2019 |
Conference Paper |
Pyrocumulonimbus Firepower Threshold: a pyrocumulonimbus... |
fire impacts, preparedness, storm surge |
kevin_tory.pdf |
Conference Paper |
Mapping it out: a user-centred design framework for WebG... |
framework, planning, warnings |
Mapping it Out |
Conference Proceedings |
Measuring forest carbon and fire emission from southern... |
11/2011 |
Conference Proceedings |
The Complex Network within Bushfire Investigation Strate... |
June 2012 |
Conference Proceedings |
Hillslope erosion and post-fire sediment trapping at Mou... |
Conference Proceedings |
Assessing woody fuel consumption models for application... |
Conference Proceedings |
Fire-atmosphere coupled numerical simulations show a fir... |
Conference Proceedings |
Erosion and risk to water resources in the context of fi... |
Conference Proceedings |
Winter Hazard Reduction Burning Reduces the Fuel Load in... |
Conference Proceedings |
Exploring the capacity to adapt to climate change in the... |
Conference Proceedings |
Progress in understanding springtime fire weather in Tas... |
Conference Proceedings |
Applications of Very High Resolution Atmospheric Modelli... |
Conference Proceedings |
Discussing ancillary ways to consider community awarenes... |
Conference Proceedings |
A High-Resolution Historical Fire Climate Data Set For V... |
Conference Proceedings |
Application of fire history records to contemporary mana... |
Conference Proceedings |
The Eyre Peninsula Fire of 11 January 2005: an ACCESS ca... |
Conference Proceedings |
Community adaptation to bushfire in a changing climate:... |
August 2005 |
Conference Proceedings |
Fitting Ecological Knowledge to Remotely Sensed Long-ter... |
2011 |
Conference Proceedings |
The development of an automated algorithm to map fire se... |
2011 |
Conference Proceedings |
Bushfire Survival-Related Decision Making: What the Stre... |
Conference Proceedings |
Fuel Management-An Integral Part of Fire Management: Tra... |
Conference Proceedings |
Getting the best bang for your buck: Ad hoc or pre-forme... |
2011 |
Conference Proceedings |
Rethinking the fuel – fire relationship |
2011 |
Conference Proceedings |
Integrated decision support model |
Conference Proceedings |
Fuel dynamics and fire behaviour in Australian mallee an... |
April 26-28, 2 |
Conference Proceedings |
Networked Fire Chief: A Research and Training Tool that... |
Conference Proceedings |
Acknowledging structural variances of communities to aid... |
Conference Proceedings |
Politics, Policies and Paradigms: Challenges of Change i... |
2011 |
Conference Proceedings |
The effect of prescribed fire severity |