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Date Typesort descending Title Key Topics Download
09/2017 Conference Paper Identifying lessons from exercising and training for eme... capability, decision making, emergency management PDF icon brooks_et_al_pr_final.pdf
12/2019 Conference Paper Prioritisation strategy for seismic retrofitting of rein... earthquake, engineering, vulnerability PDF icon Prioritisation strategy for seismic retrofitting of reinforced concrete
02/2015 Conference Paper Urban Search and Rescue Operations in Tropical Climates... emergency management, Northern Australia, response PDF icon brearley.pdf
08/2016 Conference Paper Development of flood mitigation strategies for Australia... economics, engineering, mitigation PDF icon Development of flood mitigation strategies for Australian residential buildings
09/2018 Conference Paper Get ready NSW- fostering all hazards resilience in local... communities, emergency management, resilience PDF icon Fostering all hazards resilience in local communities
08/2015 Conference Paper Risk ownership and natural hazards: across systems and a... multi-hazard, risk management PDF icon Risk Ownership and Natural Hazards
12/2019 Conference Paper Simulations of radiation heat flux on a structure from a... engineering, fire, fire impacts PDF icon Simulations of radiation heat flux on a structure from a fire in an idealised shrubland
11/2016 Conference Paper Non-ductile seismic performance of reinforced concrete w... earthquake, engineering
09/2017 Conference Paper First responder mental health: Fire and Rescue New South... recruitment, resilience, volunteering PDF icon pert_npr_final.pdf
Conference Paper Seismic Performance of Typical C-Shaped Reinforced Concr... earthquake, engineering PDF icon Seismic Performance of Typical C-Shaped Reinforced Concrete Shear Cores in Australia
09/2017 Conference Paper Where do we put our dollars? Economic analysis of differ... economics, emergency management, fire PDF icon florec_npr_final.pdf
09/2018 Conference Paper Enhancing community resilience through the early childho... education, resilience PDF icon Enhancing community resilience through the early childhood education and care workforce
04/2016 Conference Paper Mesoscale features related to the Blue Mountains fires o... fire, fire weather, forecasting
12/2016 Conference Paper Analytical development of seismic retrofit technique for... earthquake, engineering
Conference Paper Risk and protection factors for bushfire resilience and... fire, recovery, resilience PDF icon Risk and Protection Factors for Bushfire Resilience and Recovery
12/2019 Conference Paper The mitigation exercise: a long term mitigation planning... coastal, flood, mitigation PDF icon edward_pikusa.pdf
Conference Paper Integrated Disaster Decision Support System Conference P... decision making, multi-hazard, optimisation PDF icon Integrated Disaster Decision Support System Conference Paper 2014
09/2017 Conference Paper Modelling feedback between fuel reduction burning and fo... environments, fuel reduction, prescribed burning PDF icon gharun_pr_final.pdf
02/2015 Conference Paper Estimating the Impacts of Natural Hazards on Fatalities... economics, multi-hazard, risk analysis PDF icon van_den_honert.pdf
09/2016 Conference Paper Research proceedings from the 2016 Bushfire and Natural... emergency management, land management, multi-hazard PDF icon research_proceedings_from_the_2016_bushfire_and_natural_hazards_crc_and_afac_conference_web.pdf
09/2018 Conference Paper Diversity and inclusion: Building strength and capabilit... capability, diversity and inclusion, emergency management PDF icon Diversity and inclusion: building strength and capability
12/2016 Conference Paper Correlation of peak wind loads at batten-truss connectio... engineering, resilience, vulnerability
Conference Paper The future of 'non-traditional' emergency volu... volunteering PDF icon The Future of 'Non-traditional' Emergency Volunteering
12/2019 Conference Paper Denaturalising heatwaves: gendered social vulnerability... resilience, risk management, vulnerability PDF icon Denaturalising heatwaves: gendered social vulnerability in urban heatwaves, a review
09/2017 Conference Paper A unified approach to fire spread modelling fire, modelling, propagation PDF icon sharples_npr_final.pdf
01/2015 Conference Paper Experiences of responders in supporting animals and thei... animals, communication, risk management PDF icon Experiences of responders in supporting animals and their owners in disasters - Research Forum paper 2014
08/2016 Conference Paper The bushfire convective plume experiment: mobile radar o... fire impacts, fire weather, modelling PDF icon The bushfire convective plume experiment: mobile radar observations of pyro-convection from the Mt Bolton fire
09/2018 Conference Paper Extreme fire behaviours: Surveying fire management staff... emergency management, fire, fire severity PDF icon Extreme fire behaviours
09/2017 Conference Paper Enhanced estimation of background temperature for fire d... fire, fire impacts, remote sensing PDF icon hally_npr_final.pdf
09/2018 Conference Paper Volunteering into the future – disaster events, local go... emergency management, multi-hazard, volunteering PDF icon Volunteering into the future
Conference Paper Developing a targeted resilience intervention for the pr... communities, response PDF icon Prevention of PTSD
12/2019 Conference Paper Utilisation of fire spread simulators to assess power ne... communities, modelling, warnings PDF icon jackson_parker.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper Secondary eyewall formation in tropical cyclones cyclone, severe weather, tropical PDF icon kepert_pr_final.pdf
12/2019 Conference Paper A new decision support tool for prescribed burning risk... decision making, prescribed burning, risk management PDF icon A new decision support tool for prescribed burning risk assessment
02/2015 Conference Paper Social Media, Crisis Communication and Community-led Res... communication, communities PDF icon irons.pdf
09/2018 Conference Paper Community strategy development for reducing earthquake r... earthquake, emergency management, risk analysis PDF icon Community strategy development for reducing earthquake risk
Conference Paper Shared responsibility - shades of grey - peer viewed communities, planning PDF icon Shades of Grey
12/2019 Conference Paper ACCESS-Fire: coupled fire-atmosphere modelling fire weather, forecasting, modelling PDF icon ACCESS-Fire: coupled fire-atmosphere modelling
09/2017 Conference Paper Building an ARC in the mountains: a community-led initia... animals, resilience, risk management PDF icon taylor_npr_final.pdf
Conference Paper Building Community Resilience Through Informal Emergency... non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering PDF icon Building Community Resilience Conference Paper 2014
08/2016 Conference Paper Harnessing the capacities of spontaneous volunteers: app... communities, non-traditional recruitment, volunteering PDF icon Harnessing the capacities of spontaneous volunteers: application and adaptationg of the Queensland model
09/2018 Conference Paper Australia's future national heatwave forecast and w... communities, fire, heat transfer PDF icon Australia's future national heatwave forecast
06/2022 Conference Paper Geotechnical seismic isolation system based on rubber-so... earthquake, engineering, modelling PDF icon tsang_et_al.pdf
8/01/2005 Conference Paper Understanding Communities Project: An Overview - August...
09/2017 Conference Paper An organisational response to Stage 3 Geography and the... child-centred, education, fire PDF icon jarrett_npr_final.pdf
09/2018 Conference Paper The Hawaii nuclear alert: how did people respond? emergency management, response, warnings PDF icon Hawaii nuclear alert- how did people respond?
Conference Paper Implementing policy for enabling disaster resilience in... governance, policy, resilience PDF icon What Role for government?
12/2019 Conference Paper Climate change as an emerging disaster risk in Australia... climate change, decision making, local knowledge PDF icon joseph_cuthbertson.pdf
09/2017 Conference Paper An assessment of the viability of prescribed burning as... fuel reduction, prescribed burning, risk management PDF icon remenyi_pr_final.pdf
12/2019 Conference Paper Science in operations: QFES response to the 2018 Queensl... capability, fire weather, response PDF icon Science in operations: QFES response to the 2018 Queensland fires