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Date Typesort descending Title Key Topics Download
12/2016 Conference Paper Analytical development of seismic retrofit technique for... earthquake, engineering
Conference Paper Risk and protection factors for bushfire resilience and... fire, recovery, resilience PDF icon Risk and Protection Factors for Bushfire Resilience and Recovery
12/2019 Conference Paper The mitigation exercise: a long term mitigation planning... coastal, flood, mitigation PDF icon edward_pikusa.pdf
08/2016 Conference Paper Opportunities and challenges of citizen-led recovery in... communities, recovery, volunteering PDF icon Opportunities and challenges of citizen-led recovery in post-disaster settings
09/2018 Conference Paper Diversity and inclusion: Building strength and capabilit... capability, diversity and inclusion, emergency management PDF icon Diversity and inclusion: building strength and capability
09/2017 Conference Paper Improving resilience to storm surge hazards coastal, coincident events, storm surge PDF icon gravois_npr_final.pdf
Conference Paper The future of 'non-traditional' emergency volu... volunteering PDF icon The Future of 'Non-traditional' Emergency Volunteering
12/2019 Conference Paper Denaturalising heatwaves: gendered social vulnerability... resilience, risk management, vulnerability PDF icon Denaturalising heatwaves: gendered social vulnerability in urban heatwaves, a review
08/2016 Conference Paper A high-resolution land dryness analysis system for Austr... fire impacts, multi-hazard, soil moisture PDF icon A high-resolution land dryness analysis system for Australia
Conference Paper A Pre-Disaster Multi-Hazard Damage and Economic Loss Est... economics, modelling, multi-hazard PDF icon A Pre-Disaster Multi-Hazard Damage and Economic Loss Estimation Model Conference Paper 2014
09/2018 Conference Paper Extreme fire behaviours: Surveying fire management staff... emergency management, fire, fire severity PDF icon Extreme fire behaviours
09/2017 Conference Paper Implementing disaster resilience policy in the Australia... governance, policy, resilience PDF icon hunt_pr_final.pdf
02/2015 Conference Paper Improving the Resilience of Existing Housing to Severe W... cyclone, engineering, mitigation PDF icon henderson.pdf
09/2018 Conference Paper Volunteering into the future – disaster events, local go... emergency management, multi-hazard, volunteering PDF icon Volunteering into the future
09/2017 Conference Paper Too good to be true? How a remote island community devel... communication, communities, resilience PDF icon sutton_npr_final.pdf
Conference Paper Developing a targeted resilience intervention for the pr... communities, response PDF icon Prevention of PTSD
12/2019 Conference Paper Utilisation of fire spread simulators to assess power ne... communities, modelling, warnings PDF icon jackson_parker.pdf
08/2016 Conference Paper "I think I'm going to be frightened out of my... fire, resilience, vulnerability PDF icon "I think I'm going to be frightened out of my wits" psychological preparedness and vulnerability: insights from the Sampson Flat fire
12/2019 Conference Paper A new decision support tool for prescribed burning risk... decision making, prescribed burning, risk management PDF icon A new decision support tool for prescribed burning risk assessment
09/2018 Conference Paper Community strategy development for reducing earthquake r... earthquake, emergency management, risk analysis PDF icon Community strategy development for reducing earthquake risk
09/2017 Conference Paper Sheltering in place during flooding: a case study of ex... cyclone, flood, risk analysis PDF icon haynestofa_npr_final.pdf
Conference Paper Shared responsibility - shades of grey - peer viewed communities, planning PDF icon Shades of Grey
12/2019 Conference Paper ACCESS-Fire: coupled fire-atmosphere modelling fire weather, forecasting, modelling PDF icon ACCESS-Fire: coupled fire-atmosphere modelling
08/2016 Conference Paper The social life of science in bushfire policy and planni... mitigation, planning, policy PDF icon The social life of science in bushfire policy and planning
Conference Paper Managing Severe Weather - Progress and Opportunities Con... fire weather, severe weather PDF icon Managing Severe Weather - Progress and Opportunities Conference Paper 2014
09/2018 Conference Paper Australia's future national heatwave forecast and w... communities, fire, heat transfer PDF icon Australia's future national heatwave forecast
09/2017 Conference Paper Youth justice conferencing for youth misuse of fire: a c... child-centred, education, fire PDF icon pooley_pr_final.pdf
02/2015 Conference Paper Promoting Child Resilience to Disasters: Policy, Practic... child-centred, communication, risk management PDF icon ronan.pdf
8/01/2005 Conference Paper Understanding Communities Project: An Overview - August...
09/2016 Conference Paper Rural housing resilience in India: Is it reliant on appr... communities, recovery, resilience
09/2018 Conference Paper The Hawaii nuclear alert: how did people respond? emergency management, response, warnings PDF icon Hawaii nuclear alert- how did people respond?
09/2017 Conference Paper Heatwaves in New South Wales: how are residents and busi... communities, resilience, severe weather PDF icon tofa_npr_final.pdf
Conference Paper Implementing policy for enabling disaster resilience in... governance, policy, resilience PDF icon What Role for government?
12/2019 Conference Paper Climate change as an emerging disaster risk in Australia... climate change, decision making, local knowledge PDF icon joseph_cuthbertson.pdf
01/2015 Conference Paper Building Community Resilience to Natural Hazards in Nort... Northern Australia, resilience PDF icon Building Community Resilience to Natural Hazards in Northern Australia
08/2016 Conference Paper Building community cyclone resilience through academic a... communication, cyclone, resilience PDF icon Building community cyclone resilience through academic and community partnership
12/2019 Conference Paper Science in operations: QFES response to the 2018 Queensl... capability, fire weather, response PDF icon Science in operations: QFES response to the 2018 Queensland fires
09/2018 Conference Paper Transformative culture of disaster risk management as an... emergency management, multi-hazard, risk management PDF icon Transformative culture of disaster risk management
05/2017 Conference Paper Disaster risk reduction education through the lens of po... child-centred, communication, education
09/2017 Conference Paper A community's experience of bushfire response and r... communities, fire impacts, recovery PDF icon jennings_npr_final.pdf
Conference Paper Framework to inspect floodways towards estimating damage... flood PDF icon Framework to Inspect Floodways
12/2019 Conference Paper Joining the dots: using social media to connect with mor... communication, organisational, warnings PDF icon Joining the dots: using social media to connect with more vulnerable Victorians during emergencies
08/2016 Conference Paper Using participatory mapping to harness local knowledge a... communication, communities, risk management PDF icon Using participatory mapping to harness local knowledge
09/2018 Conference Paper Prevalence and predictors of mental health in firefighte... capability, emergency management, resilience PDF icon Factors contributing to firefighters' mental health and well-being
09/2017 Conference Paper Including the intangible benefits of bushfire mitigation... decision making, economics, mitigation PDF icon rogers_et_al_pr_final.pdf
02/2015 Conference Paper NSW RFS Bush Fire Household Assessment Tool Conference P... communities, decision making, risk management PDF icon ohalloran.pdf
07/2015 Conference Paper Owner-Driven Reconstruction in India: A case-study of Ko... communities, recovery, resilience
12/2013 Conference Paper Smoke impacts from prescribed burning in Victoria; deve...
10/2021 Conference Paper Predicting merging fire behaviour in Planned Burning fire, fire severity, remote sensing
09/2017 Conference Paper The interaction between firefighting boot design and low... emergency management, optimisation, volunteering PDF icon walker_npr_final.pdf