Key topics


Resilience is the capacity of a community potentially exposed to hazards to adapt to stress and change, by resisting or changing, in order to reach and maintain an acceptable level of functioning and structure.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
Preparedness for natural hazards: testing an expanded education- and engagement-enhanced social cognitive model Biblio communities, preparedness, resilience
Community engagement in the post-disaster landscape Biblio PDF icon save (3.75 MB) communities, recovery, resilience
Building community cyclone resilience through academic and community partnership Biblio PDF icon save (411.81 KB) communication, cyclone, resilience
Owner-driven housing reconstruction as a means of enhancing disaster resilience of at-risk communities in India Biblio PDF icon save (8.72 MB) recovery, resilience
The long road: building effective diversity and inclusion in emergency management Biblio PDF icon save (1.3 MB) diversity and inclusion, organisational, resilience
Wind induced internal pressures in industrial buildings Project cyclone, engineering, resilience
Diversity and inclusion: building strength and capability – final project report Biblio PDF icon save (3.64 MB) communities, diversity and inclusion, resilience
No ordinary call: factors predicting fire communication officers' job strain and well-being Biblio PDF icon save (978.68 KB) capability, emergency management, resilience
The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: Overview of Indicators Biblio PDF icon save (338.72 KB) multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability
Denaturalising heatwaves: gendered social vulnerability in urban heatwaves, a review Biblio PDF icon save (1.05 MB) resilience, risk management, vulnerability
Informal Volunteerism in Emergencies and Disasters: A Literature Review Biblio PDF icon save (676.37 KB) non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering
Owner-Driven Reconstruction in India: A case-study of Kosi River Floods in Bihar Biblio communities, recovery, resilience
Planned and ultimate actions of horse owners facing a bushfire threat: Implications for natural disaster preparedness and survivability Biblio animals, resilience, risk management
Seismic Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints Using Diagonal Haunch Biblio earthquake, engineering, resilience
Failure mechanisms of bridge structures under natural hazards Biblio PDF icon save (3.04 MB) engineering, multi-hazard, resilience
Building best practice in child-centred disaster risk reduction: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (1013.67 KB) child-centred, resilience, risk management
Rapid response report: study of heatwave impacts on residents and businesses in western Sydney Biblio PDF icon save (1005.86 KB) recovery, resilience, severe weather
Ecosystem resilience – establishment of collection and analyses for two priority ecological fire groups Project fire impacts, prescribed burning, resilience
Literature review on community resilience in remote north Australia Biblio PDF icon save (1.41 MB) communities, Northern Australia, resilience
Emergency management opportunities for remote indigenous communities in northern Australia Biblio PDF icon save (990.41 KB) indigenous communities, Northern Australia, resilience
Too good to be true? How a remote island community developed a 100% effective risk communication strategy and what Australia can learn from it Biblio PDF icon save (424.75 KB) communication, communities, resilience
Indigenous fire and land management - impact and sustainability Biblio PDF icon save (4.16 MB) indigenous communities, land management, resilience
Health Assessment of a Pedestrian Bridge Deck using Ground Penetrating Radar Biblio engineering, infrastructure, resilience
Developing guidelines for increasing the resilience of informal settlements exposed to wildfire risk using a risk-based planning approach Biblio communities, fire, resilience
Flood risk reduction in a dynamic urban context exploring the urban-water-resilience nexus Project flood, mitigation, resilience
Co-Building with Bamboo Biblio communities, infrastructure, resilience
Walking on two legs: a pathway of Indigenous restoration and reconciliation in fire-adapted landscapes Biblio communities, indigenous communities, resilience
Disasters and economic resilience: the effects of the Black Saturday bushfires on individual income Biblio PDF icon save (2.71 MB) economics, fire impacts, resilience
Implementing policy for enabling disaster resilience in the Australian federation: what role for government? - non peer reviewed extended abstract Biblio PDF icon save (335.99 KB) governance, policy, resilience
How do island communities balance disaster resilience and what can mainlanders learn from that? Biblio PDF icon save (220.15 KB) communities, local knowledge, resilience
Sensing bushfire: Exploring shifting perspectives as hazard moves through the landscape Biblio communication, fire, resilience
Application of self-evacuation archetypes Project communities, preparedness, resilience
The Australian Natural Disaster Resilience Index: Volume II – Chapter 2: Indicators Biblio PDF icon save (2.32 MB) multi-hazard, resilience, vulnerability
A review of methodologies applied in Australian practice to evaluate long-term coastal adaptation options Biblio PDF icon save (1.12 MB) coastal, decision making, resilience
Heatwave and building codes in New South Wales: issues and prospects Biblio PDF icon save (897.66 KB) governance, guidelines, resilience
Homelessness and severe storms: a case study of the June 2016 East Coast Low Biblio PDF icon save (804.26 KB) communities, recovery, resilience
Legal Complexities of Entry, Rescue, Seizure and Disposal of Disaster-Affected Companion Animals in New Zealand Biblio PDF icon save (217.53 KB) animals, communities, resilience
Extreme floods and river values: A social–ecological perspective Biblio flood, resilience, risk management
Building Community Resilience to Natural Hazards in Northern Australia Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (608.11 KB) Northern Australia, resilience
Rural housing resilience in India: Is it reliant on appropriate technology or labour skills? Biblio communities, recovery, resilience

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