Key topics


Policy is a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an individual or organisation.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
Negotiating risk and responsibility through law, policy and planning Biblio planning, policy, risk management
From research to red tape - the challenges in implementing fit for duty programs amongst emergency management agencies Biblio PDF icon save (538.93 KB) emergency management, governance, policy
A spatial decision support system for natural hazard risk reduction policy assessment and planning Biblio PDF icon save (493.72 KB) decision making, planning, policy
Economic Analysis Screening Tool: Guidelines Biblio PDF icon save (8.92 MB) economics, multi-hazard, policy
Better use and management of levees: reducing flood risk in a changing climate Biblio flood, policy
Sheltering practices during bushfire Biblio PDF icon save (1.66 MB) communities, fire, policy
Path dependency of the development contributions system Biblio governance, planning, policy
Economics of natural hazards Project economics, multi-hazard, policy
Emergency powers: Civil liberties in the face of disaster Biblio emergency management, governance, policy
Managing Critical Infrastructure in a Changing Climate: Risk, Roles, Responsibilities and Politics Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (722.97 KB) governance, infrastructure, policy
Policies, institutions and governance of natural hazards: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (936.17 KB) governance, multi-hazard, policy
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Disaster Management Biblio emergency management, governance, policy
Examining bushfire policy in action: Preparedness and behaviour in the 2009 Black Saturday fires Biblio PDF icon save (438.46 KB), PDF icon save (513.82 KB) communities, fire, policy
Public Policy and Disaster Justice Biblio governance, policy, vulnerability
Advancing public health in the context of natural hazards: normalising preparedness within a framework of adapted protection motivation theory Project animals, policy, resilience
Non-market valuation in the economic analysis of natural hazards Biblio PDF icon save (184.39 KB) economics, multi-hazard, policy
Social media in emergencies: An examination of government accountability for risk communication and warning Biblio PDF icon save (2.73 MB) emergency management, policy, risk management
Assessing the economic value and vulnerability of nature based tourism industry Project decision making, economics, policy
You own the fuel, but who owns the fire? Biblio emergency management, policy, risk analysis
Policies, institutions and governance of natural hazards: Annual project report 2014-2015 Biblio PDF icon save (439 KB) framework, governance, policy
Using a worldview lens to examine complex policy issues: a historical review of bushfire management in the South West of Australia Biblio fire, governance, policy
Whole of Government: the Solution to Managing Crises? Biblio emergency management, governance, policy
Exploring the circumstances surrounding flood fatalities in Australia—1900–2015 and the implications for policy and practice Biblio flood, policy, severe weather
An uncertain future, deep uncertainty, scenarios, robustness and adaptation: How do they fit together? Biblio decision making, modelling, policy
Review of literature on decision support systems for natural hazard risk reduction: current status and future research directions Biblio decision making, policy, risk management
Scientific Uncertainty and Risk Mitigation Policy and Planning Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (299.29 KB) governance, planning, policy
Reviewing high-risk and high-consequence decisions: finding a safer way Biblio framework, governance, policy
Shared responsibility: the who, what and how Biblio communities, governance, policy
Coexisting with fire: Integrating resilient landscape design principles within broader urban place making policy for bushfire risk reduction in Australia Project fire, mitigation, policy
Flood management in a changing climate: integrating effective approaches Project flood, planning, policy
Economics of natural hazards: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (589.95 KB) economics, multi-hazard, policy
Policies, instutions and governance of natural hazards: annual project report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (914.34 KB) decision making, governance, policy
Knowing wildfire risk: Scientific interactions with risk mitigation policy and practice in Victoria, Australia Biblio fire, modelling, policy
How risk informs natural hazard management: a study of the interface between risk modelling and local government policies and procedures Biblio PDF icon save (343.48 KB) emergency management, modelling, policy
Restorative inquiries and natural disasters - symposium report Biblio PDF icon save (5.16 MB) framework, governance, policy
Building walls around flood problems: The place of levees in Australian flood management Biblio flood, policy
What's critical about critical infrastructure? Biblio framework, governance, policy
Living with floods: key lessons from four Australian flood reviews and similar reviews from the Netherlands, China and the USA Biblio flood, planning, policy
Navigating the fiery debate: the role of scientific evidence in eliciting policy and management responses for contentious plants in northern Australia Biblio land management, policy, savanna grasslands
Reimagining Education in a Pandemic: Children and Young People as Powerful Educators Biblio child-centred, education, policy

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