Key topics


Policy is a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an individual or organisation.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
20 Jul 2018 National focus on mitigation policy News emergency management, multi-hazard, policy
18 Apr 2018 Students take the lead at forum News communities, multi-hazard, policy
16 Apr 2018 Policies, institutions & governance of natural hazards Resource PDF icon save (1.22 MB) emergency management, governance, policy
26 Mar 2018 Flood management in a changing climate Resource PDF icon save (178.62 KB) flood, mitigation, policy
19 Mar 2018 Interest high and utilisation focus Blog communication, policy, resilience
09 Mar 2018 Disaster reduction in the spotlight News policy, recovery, resilience
02 Mar 2018 Utilisation update - scientific diversity News governance, planning, policy
28 Feb 2018 International Day for Disaster Reduction 2017 - full session Resource File save (0 bytes) multi-hazard, policy, recovery
28 Feb 2018 Highlights - International Day for Disaster Reduction 2017 Resource File save (0 bytes) multi-hazard, policy, recovery
11 Jan 2018 Rhetoric or reality: crisis coordination Resource PDF icon save (280.47 KB) decision making, policy, risk management
18 Dec 2017 Intangible value News economics, multi-hazard, policy
18 Dec 2017 Sharing the risk News policy, risk management, vulnerability
13 Nov 2017 Scientific diversity project update News governance, planning, policy
09 Nov 2017 Investing in prescribed burning: how much should we spend? Resource PDF icon save (267.53 KB) economics, policy, prescribed burning
03 Nov 2017 Removing disaster barriers through policy reform Resource PDF icon save (718.86 KB) framework, governance, policy
20 Oct 2017 Congratulations to PhDs News policy, remote sensing, volunteering
20 Oct 2017 Briefing to enhance policy News emergency management, policy, risk management
15 Sep 2017 Assessing Australia's resilience to natural hazards Resource PDF icon save (495.38 KB) communities, policy, resilience
07 Sep 2017 Narrowing the awareness-action gap: cultivating a culture of routine all-hazards preparedness through public policy initiatives Resource PDF icon save (502.35 KB) communities, policy, risk management
07 Sep 2017 When policy, politics and emergency management responses collide: managing coordination in crises Resource PDF icon save (351.83 KB) emergency management, governance, policy
07 Sep 2017 How risk informs natural hazard management: a study of the interface between risk modelling and local government policies and procedures Resource PDF icon save (610.96 KB) modelling, policy, tsunami
07 Sep 2017 Science is critical but it is not everything: our findings Resource PDF icon save (2.12 MB) governance, planning, policy
07 Sep 2017 From research to red tape: the challenges in implementing fit for duty programs amongst emergency management agencies Resource PDF icon save (1.85 MB) emergency management, governance, policy
07 Sep 2017 Implementing disaster resilience policy in the Australian Federation Resource PDF icon save (688.57 KB) governance, policy, resilience
30 Aug 2017 Understanding what risk is yours - and what to do about it Resource PDF icon save (394.66 KB) decision making, policy, risk management
16 Aug 2017 Strategic risk workshop for AFAC17 News decision making, policy, risk management
03 Aug 2017 Coordination of federal, state and local disaster management arrangements in Australia: lessons from the UK and the US Press Clipping governance, optimisation, policy
02 Aug 2017 Panel: A changing world - where to for Australian emergency management research? - Showcase 2017 Resource capability, emergency management, policy
02 Aug 2017 Three Minute Thesis: Sue Hunt - Showcase 2017 Resource governance, policy, resilience
02 Aug 2017 Panel: Making a difference - Showcase 2017 Resource emergency management, policy, risk management
31 Jul 2017 What comes first? Building DRR by cultivating a preceding culture of preparedness as a ‘social norm’ Blog animals, policy, resilience
25 Jul 2017 Latest on scientific diversity News governance, planning, policy
19 Jul 2017 Rhetoric or reality: Coordination in a time of crisis Resource PDF icon save (307.35 KB) emergency management, governance, policy
13 Jul 2017 How to stop people entering floodwater News decision making, flood, policy
07 Jul 2017 Three Minute Thesis: disaster resilience policy Resource PDF icon save (312.51 KB) governance, policy
07 Jul 2017 Three Minute Thesis: flood management in a changing climate Resource PDF icon save (150.49 KB) governance, guidelines, policy
03 Jul 2017 Economics and policy - a statement on research priorities for natural hazards emergency management in Australia Resource PDF icon save (2.2 MB) economics, emergency management, policy
30 Jun 2017 Scientific knowledge Q and A Resource PDF icon save (1.43 MB) governance, planning, policy
30 Jun 2017 Implementing disaster resilience policy: making it happen in a federal system Resource PDF icon save (696.24 KB) governance, policy
30 Jun 2017 Policy transfer: between countries, between disciplines Resource PDF icon save (1.21 MB) governance, guidelines, policy

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