Key topics


Modelling refers to the activity of visualising a theoretical concept.

Datesort ascending Item Type Key Topics
Australian natural hazards exposure information framework: guidelines for national consistency and comprehensive information Biblio PDF icon save (6.35 MB) exposure, framework, modelling
Hazards, culture and indigenous communities: socio-institutional modules for utilisation Biblio PDF icon save (1.22 MB) fire, indigenous communities, modelling
Suitable pyrolysis model for physics-based bushfire simulation Biblio PDF icon save (708.53 KB) capability, fire, modelling
Smoke transportation and emissions modelling Project fire, modelling
In-plane response of perforated unreinforced masonry walls under cyclic loading Biblio PDF icon save (6.79 MB) earthquake, modelling, physics
Pre-disaster multi-hazard damage and economic loss estimation model: annual project report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (1.14 MB) economics, modelling, multi-hazard
Modelling fire weather interactions using the ACCESS-Fire model Project fire impacts, fire weather, modelling
Modelling the vulnerability of a high-set house roof structure to windstorms using VAWS Biblio PDF icon save (2.29 MB) cyclone, engineering, modelling
Studying leaf area density based wind adjustment factor in Spark Biblio PDF icon save (3.49 MB) fire, modelling, propagation
Coupled Fire-Atmosphere Modelling Biblio PDF icon save (563.46 KB) fire, forecasting, modelling
Business exposure information framework Biblio PDF icon save (1.27 MB) exposure, framework, modelling
A modified Severe Tropical Cyclone Marcia (2015) scenario: wind and storm tide hazards and impacts Biblio PDF icon save (1.64 MB) emergency management, modelling, scenario analysis
Incorporating convective feedback in wildfire simulations using pyrogenic potential Biblio fire, modelling, optimisation
Progressive failures of batten to rafter connections under fluctuating wind loads Biblio cyclone, engineering, modelling
A guide to develop bushfire case studies - a case study of cropland fires Project fire, modelling, scenario analysis
A Pre-Disaster Multi-Hazard Damage and Economic Loss Estimation Model Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (667.92 KB) economics, modelling, multi-hazard
Fire spread prediction across fuel types: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (1.6 MB) fire impacts, modelling, scenario analysis
Statistical Characterisation Of Wind Fields Over Complex Terrain With Applications In Bushfire Modelling Biblio PDF icon save (30.13 MB) fire, modelling, propagation
Direct Numerical Simulation of Confined Wall Plumes Biblio engineering, fire, modelling
Models for lightning-caused wildfire ignition Project fire, modelling
Integrating bushfire risk reduction and statutory mechanisms in South Australia Biblio PDF icon save (753.84 KB) fire, mitigation, modelling
Physics-based modelling of junction fires: Parametric study Biblio fire, modelling, physics
Empirically derived method and software for semi-automatic calibration of Cellular Automata land-use models Biblio land management, modelling, optimisation
Predicting dead fine fuel moisture at regional scales using vapour pressure deficit from MODIS and gridded weather data Biblio fire, fuel reduction, modelling
Physical and fire behaviour characterisation of bushland fuels Project fire, modelling, propagation
A new quantitative smoke forecasting system for Victoria Biblio PDF icon save (911.66 KB) fire weather, forecasting, modelling
Simulations of the effect of canopy density profile on sub-canopy wind speed profiles Biblio PDF icon save (1.08 MB) fire, fire weather, modelling
Landscape moisture modelling Project land management, modelling, soil moisture
Simulating boundary-layer rolls with a numerical weather prediction model Biblio fire, modelling
A response to comments of Cruz et al. on: ‘Simulation study of grass fire using a physics-based model: striving towards numerical rigour and the effect of grass height on the rate of spread’ Biblio fire, modelling, physics
Simulation of fuel bed ignition by wildland firebrands Biblio fire, fuel reduction, modelling
Improving flood forecasting skill using remotely sensed data Biblio PDF icon save (2.06 MB) flood, forecasting, modelling
Dynamic modelling of fire coalescence Biblio PDF icon save (4.5 MB) fire, modelling, physics
A report on WRF software development (preliminary) Biblio PDF icon save (855.76 KB) fire, land management, modelling
Implementation of spatially-varying wind adjustment factor for wildfire simulations Biblio fire, fire weather, modelling
A probabilistic study of ground motion simulation for Bangkok soil Biblio earthquake, engineering, modelling
Cost effectiveness of fire management strategies in southern Australia Biblio fire, modelling, organisational
Using alternative soil moisture estimates in the McArthur Forest Fire Danger Index Biblio fire, fire impacts, modelling
Pre-Disaster Multi-Hazard and Economic Loss Estimation Model Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (847.42 KB) economics, modelling, multi-hazard
Fire coalescence and mass spot fire dynamics: experimentation, modelling and simulation: Annual project report 2015-2016 Biblio PDF icon save (1.25 MB) fire impacts, fire severity, modelling

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