Key topics


Environments refers to the natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area. Environments also refers to the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.

Date Itemsort descending Type Key Topics
A critical review of the application of environmental scenario exercises Biblio environments, multi-hazard, scenario analysis
A preliminary report on simulation of flows through canopies with varying atmospheric stability Biblio PDF icon save (1.19 MB) environments, fire impacts, tropical
Accredited qualifications for capacity development in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation Biblio emergency management, environments, risk management
An ecosystem services framework to evaluate indigenous and local peoples’ connections with nature Biblio environments, indigenous communities, Northern Australia
Analysis of the effects of the January 2020 bushfires on the estuarine systems of Kangaroo Island Project environments, fire impacts, response
Approaches for investigating wildfire impacts on catchment hydrology Biblio PDF icon save (2.91 MB) environments, fire, fire impacts
Assessing ecological performance thresholds in fire‐prone Kakadu National Park, northern Australia Biblio environments, land management, Northern Australia
Assessing post-fire recovery of flora and fauna in mechanical fuel reduction E. sieberi forests after wildfires 2020 Project environments, fire impacts, fuel reduction
Assessing the ability of image based point clouds captured from a UAV to measure the terrain in the presence of canopy cover Biblio PDF icon save (3.85 MB) environments
25 Jul 2018 Assessing the environment – research proposals needed News environments, guidelines
Assessment of post-fire recovery of sub alpine shrublands after the 2019 World Heritage Area Fires Project environments, fire impacts, fire severity
Assessment of potentially toxic metal contamination in the soils of a legacy mine site in Central Victoria, Australia. Biblio environments, fire, land management
11 Aug 2014 Burnoff policies could be damaging habitats for 100 years Press Clipping environments, prescribed burning
08 Aug 2014 Burnoff policies could be damaging habitats for 100 years Press Clipping environments, prescribed burning
Can a growth model be used to describe forest carbon and water balance after fuel reduction burning in temperate forests? Biblio environments, fuel reduction, modelling
Challenges for valuing ecosystem services from an Indigenous estate in northern Australia Biblio environments, indigenous communities, Northern Australia
07 Sep 2017 Climate change and natural hazards in Australia Resource PDF icon save (3.18 MB) environments, forecasting, severe weather
Conceptual framework to show benefits of compliance Project environments, governance, land management
Demographic effects of severe fire in montane shrublands on Tasmania’s Central Plateau Biblio PDF icon save (3.69 MB) environments, fire impacts, fire severity
02 Sep 2014 Despite the August rain, another active fire season threatens Press Clipping environments, fire
Dynamics of litterfall and fine fuels after fire in sclerophyll forests and woodlands Project environments, fire, fire impacts
Economics of Natural Hazards Annual Report 2017-2018 Biblio PDF icon save (1.21 MB) emergency management, environments, multi-hazard
Ecosystem resilience – establishment of collection and analyses for the third of 11 priority Ecological Fire Groups Project environments, resilience, risk management
Effects of the January 2020 bushfires on estuarine systems of Kangaroo Island: post event field data collection Biblio PDF icon save (553.49 KB) environments, fire impacts, response
04 Dec 2014 Enhancing resilience of critical road structures Resource PDF icon save (1.4 MB) engineering, environments, resilience
Fire and heavy metals: when wild and controlled fires transform un-rehabilitated mining waste Project environments, prescribed burning
Fire-driven decline of endemic Allosyncarpia monsoon rainforests in Northern Australia Biblio environments, fire, land management
From academic to applied: operationalising resilience in river systems Biblio environments, flood, resilience
Global vegetation gross primary production estimation using satellite-derived light-use efficiency and canopy conductance Biblio environments, fire, remote sensing
01 Apr 2020 If you’re worried about bushfires but want to keep your leafy garden, follow these tips Blog environments, fuel reduction, risk management
Impact of 2019 bushfires on Whian Whian State Conservation Area Project environments, fire impacts
Impact of rain gauge quality control and interpolation on streamflow simulation: an application to the Warwick Catchment, Australia Biblio environments, flood, hydrology
08 May 2019 Improving decision making in complex multi team environments RAF May 19 Resource PDF icon save (116.91 KB) decision making, environments
10 Apr 2015 In the Line of Fire 2015 NSW RAF Presentation Resource PDF icon save (491.92 KB) environments, response
Influence of controlled burning on the mobility and temporal variations of potentially toxic metals (PTMs) in the soils of a legacy gold mine site in Central Victoria, Australia Biblio environments, fire impacts, land management
18 Jun 2019 Interactions between climate, vegetation and fuel Resource PDF icon save (3.16 MB) environments, fire weather, severe weather
Investigating surface and near-surface bushfire fuel attributes: a comparison between visual assessments and image-based point clouds Biblio environments, fire, remote sensing
11 Sep 2015 Large-eddy simulations of pyro-convection and its sensitivity to environmental conditions Resource PDF icon save (1.24 MB) environments, fire weather, modelling
Literature review: modelling and simulation of flow over tree canopies Biblio PDF icon save (943.19 KB) environments, fire, fire weather
Managing scale and uncertainty in fire management planning incorporating growth stage and habitat analysis Project environments, prescribed burning

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