Key topics


Capability is the power or ability to do something.

Datesort descending Item Type Key Topics
Augmenting physical 3D models with projected information to support environmental knowledge exchange Biblio capability, modelling, planning
Diversity and inclusion: building strength and capability – annual report 2019–2020 Biblio PDF icon save (876.55 KB) capability, communities, diversity and inclusion
Diversity and inclusion: Building strength and capability Biblio PDF icon save (511.1 KB) capability, diversity and inclusion, emergency management
Spanning boundaries to support effective multi-agency coordination in emergency management Biblio PDF icon save (2.38 MB) capability, emergency management, framework
Emerging technologies for estimating fuel hazard Biblio PDF icon save (2.85 MB) capability, fire, remote sensing
Capability Needs for Emergency and Disaster Management Organisations Annual Report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (397.34 KB) capability, emergency management, scenario analysis
Diversity and inclusion: building strength and capability Project capability, diversity and inclusion, organisational
QFES Strategy 2030 Project capability, communication, decision making
The effect of split sleep schedules (6h-on/6h-off) on neurobehavioural performance, sleep and sleepiness Biblio capability, risk management, scenario analysis
What's wrong and what needs fixing? Stakeholder perspectives on making the future of emergency volunteering Biblio PDF icon save (1.22 MB) capability, emergency management, volunteering
Values and complexities in assessing strategic-level emergency management effectiveness Biblio capability, emergency management, response
Diversity and inclusion: towards a better understanding of management and measurement - policy paper Biblio PDF icon save (1.14 MB) capability, diversity and inclusion, emergency management
A literature review of methods for providing enhanced operational oversight of teams in emergency management Biblio capability, decision making, emergency management
Effectiveness of resources to supress bushfire: aerial and ground based Project capability, fire, fire severity
Defining and assessing movement capacities associated with modern Australian urban firefighting Project capability, firefighter, scenario analysis
Development of Capability Targets for the NSW Emergency Management Sector Biblio PDF icon save (973.32 KB) capability, emergency management
Capability needs for emergency & disaster management organisations Project capability, emergency management, scenario analysis
Activation of community fire units in the Blue Mountains during the October 2013 bushfires Project capability, communication, emergency management
Defining pharmacists' roles in disasters: A Delphi study Biblio PDF icon save (493.55 KB) capability, recovery, response
Civil society mobilisation after Cyclone Tracy, Darwin 1974 Biblio PDF icon save (2.52 MB) capability, emergency management, organisational
Exposing hidden value trade-offs: sharing wildfire management responsibility between government and citizens Biblio capability, governance, policy
Diversity and inclusion: Building strength and capability - Annual Report 2019 Biblio PDF icon save (1.58 MB) capability, communities, vulnerability
Identifying lessons from exercising and training for emergency management decision-making Biblio PDF icon save (731.34 KB) capability, decision making, emergency management
Understanding experiences and recovery capabilities of diverse communities in Gippsland post 2019/20 bushfires Project capability, communities, recovery
Investigating the suitability of aviation tracking data for use in bushfire suppression effectiveness research Biblio PDF icon save (7.59 MB) capability, fire weather, planning
Diversity and Inclusion: Building Strength and Capability- Annual Report 2018 Biblio PDF icon save (1.9 MB) capability, communities, vulnerability
Discovering Future Disaster Management Capability Needs Using Scenario Planning Conference Paper 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (721.06 KB) capability, emergency management, infrastructure
Firefighter tenability and its influence on wildfire suppression Biblio capability, fire, firefighter
The effect of working on-call from home on salivary cortisol in fire and emergency service personnel Biblio capability, emergency management, optimisation
Planning and capability requirements for catastrophic and cascading events Biblio PDF icon save (659.92 KB) capability, emergency management, planning
The roles of pharmacists in disaster health management in natural and anthropogenic disasters Project capability, multi-hazard, response
Spanning boundaries to support effective multi-agency coordination in emergency management Project capability, emergency management, framework
Navigating authority and legitimacy when ‘outsider’ volunteers co-produce emergency management services Biblio PDF icon save (334.51 KB) capability, recruitment, volunteering
Decision making, team monitoring and organisational learning in emergency management: annual project report 2016-17 Biblio PDF icon save (1.14 MB) capability, decision making, emergency management
Optimising emergency services resourcing: informing SAFECOM's capability planning Project capability, communication, emergency management
Economics of natural hazards annual project report 2014 Biblio PDF icon save (277.08 KB) capability, economics, multi-hazard
Role Clarity, Swift Trust and Multi‐Agency Coordination Biblio capability, emergency management, framework
Building capacity in north Australian remote communities - utilisation project report Biblio PDF icon save (1.01 MB) capability, communication, Northern Australia
Prevalence and predictors of mental health in firefighters Biblio PDF icon save (604.44 KB) capability, emergency management, resilience
Are two halves better than one whole? A comparison of the amount and quality of sleep obtained by healthy adult males living on split and consolidated sleep–wake schedules Biblio capability, risk management, scenario analysis

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