Student researcher

Emma Singh
Dr Emma Singh Research Leader

This study combined natural hazard modelling and geographic information system (GIS) analysis with graph theory tools to provide a better understanding of the impacts of lifeline failure during natural hazard events and assess the usefulness of graph theory techniques in aiding disaster mitigation, emergency response and community recovery. Focusing on the exposure of road networks to volcanic ash from a future eruption at Mount Fuji in Japan, Dr Emma Singh worked with local governments in Japan to understand better how ash-induced road closures can impact evacuation plans and community recovery post-eruption. The methods developed can be applied to any natural hazard or lifeline network to identify at-risk critical infrastructure and determining the potential disruption caused by service failure. Governments, emergency management agencies and communities can all benefit from Emma’s findings.

This project was completed in 2019.

Year Type Citation
2015 Conference Paper Phillips, E., de Oliveira, F. Dimer, Koschatzky, V. & Somerville, P. Disruption of critical infrastructure during prolonged natural disasters Conference Paper 2014. Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC and AFAC Wellington Conference 2014 (Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, 2015).
2019 Thesis Phillips, E. Modelling the impact of lifeline infrastructure failure during natural hazard events. Department of Environmental Sciences (2019). doi:
2015 Magazine Article Phillips, E. Volcanic eruptions and disruptions. Digital Actuaries (2015). at <>
Disruption of Critical Infrastructure during National Disasters
18 Aug 2015
To understand how components of our built environment and society will fare during a disaster, knowledge is...
Emma Singh Conference Poster 2016
12 Aug 2016
Can graph theory techniques help with emergency response and optimal lifeline network recovery?
Disruption of critical infrastructure during natural disasters
29 Jun 2017
Can graph theory techniques help with emergency response and optimal lifeline network recovery?
Modelling the impact of lifeline infrastructure failure during natural hazard events
18 Sep 2018
How prepared are we for extensive lifeline failure, and can graph theory aid in disaster mitigation?