Phoebe Quinn

Phoebe Quinn

Phoebe Quinn is a research fellow at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health in the Child & Community Wellbeing Unit, where she is involved in research into disaster resilience, community wellbeing, child health and social equity. Phoebe holds a Master of Public Health and is passionate about social justice particularly in the context of climate change and emergencies.

Research team

Type Project Research team
CRC Core Project Recovery Capitals djohnston, pquinn
Commissioned Research Community-led recovery cgallagher, kbrady, gireton, pquinn, ahaywood, yclarke, fnorton, vbrandenburg, sdavies, cleppold

Resources credited

Typesort descending Released Title Download Key Topics
HazardNoteEdition 02 Feb 2021 How to enhance community recovery after disasters PDF icon Save (1.61 MB) communities, recovery, resilience

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