Dr Maryam Nasim

Completed PhD student
Dr Maryam Nasim

With the U-slab bridge a bridge type widely used in Australia, it is vulnerable to damage during floods. Dr Maryam Nasim’s PhD provided vulnerability models for road authorities to use in developing strategies to strengthen these bridges, helping both emergency services and communities during a flood, as well as afterwards. Maryam was awarded the prestigious Austroads Young Engineer Best Paper Award at the Austroads Bridge Conference in 2017.

Maryam is now a Structural Bridge Engineer at the Victorian Department of Transport.

Her thesis is available here.

Student project

This project investigated the vulnerability of U-slab bridges during floods. Floods have extremely dangerous potential to cause a great amount of damage to a large number of people, and, as communities grow, so does the potential for greater loss in threatened areas.
Supervisory panel:
31 Aug 2020
Key findings: The cushioning factor is a parameter that can show the structural response and have a...
Damage Assessment of U-Slab Bridges under Flood Loading
19 Sep 2018
Resistance to flood loading are critical parameter affecting the design of bridges under flood...
Water flow pressure changes on circular and square bridge piers under increasing velocity floods
30 Jun 2017
Resistance to flood is a critical parameter affecting the design of the bridges. Typical design...
Maryam Nasim Conference Poster 2016
12 Aug 2016
The research is focused on the assessment of the vulnerability of a concrete u-slab bridge as a...

Resources credited

Type Released Titlesort descending Download Key Topics
Presentation-Slideshow 31 Oct 2017 Three Minute Thesis: bridge failure under flood loading PDF icon Save (325.2 KB) engineering, flood, mitigation

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