When Dr Michael Jones visited a film set for the first time to look at its management practices, he was intrigued by the work ethic of the crew. They weren't particularly well paid, but their passion for the job was obvious.
That fuelled Michael's interest in the elements that motivate people and produce organisational and career commitment. In the case of the film crew, it wasn't money driving their hard work. There were other factors at play, such as boasting rights to their friends, mingling with stars, and the prospect of "making it big next time".
With a background as an Electronics Engineer, Michael is looking to bridge management and technology issues and take in culture, knowledge management and information systems.
Michael enjoys satisfying his natural curiosity through research. He's now working on a major project with Emergency Service Agencies throughout Australia and New Zealand, looking at creating sustainable volunteer management practices.
Michael is also the Editor-in-Chief of a high ranking journal - the International Journal of Doctoral Studies www.ijds.org. This brings an additional field of research to Michael's portfolio which revolves around doctoral supervision.
Michael currently has over 70 peer-reviewed published papers. A partial list of these can be found at: http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?hl=en&user=ZyZepgUAAAAJ
Project leadership
Supervisory roles
Resources credited
Type | Released | Title | Download | Key Topics |
Presentation-Slideshow | 27 Mar 2014 | Sustainable volunteering | Save (386.63 KB) | capability, recruitment |
Presentation-Slideshow | 10 Apr 2015 | Sustainable Volunteering 2015 NSW RAF Presentation | Save (2.65 MB) | volunteering |
HazardNoteEdition | 10 Jul 2015 | Ensuring volunteering is sustainable | Save (150.91 KB) | non-traditional recruitment, resilience, volunteering |
Presentation-Slideshow | 17 May 2016 | Improving the retention and engagement of volunteers in emergency service agencies | Save (2.63 MB) | communication, emergency management, volunteering |
Presentation-Slideshow | 18 Apr 2017 | Improving the Retention and Engagement of Volunteers in Emergency Service Agencies | Save (810.72 KB) | recruitment, volunteering |
Presentation-Slideshow | 07 Sep 2017 | Organisational socialisation of volunteers in an emergency services agency | Save (432.89 KB) | emergency management, recruitment, volunteering |