Li Zhao

PhD student
Li Zhao

Soil moisture has been shown to affect fuel moisture content but the role of soil moisture in determining fuel moisture content is uncertain. Li Zhao’s research aims to forecast fuel moisture content by coupling fuel moisture content and water cycle models. By applying the model at a large scale for operational use, Li’s research will provide land managers with better tools to predict fuel moisture content, leading to more reliable and accurate outcomes in bushfire management. The fuel moisture content model is a physical process-based model and the water cycle model is the Australian Water Resources Assessment system landscape model.

As of June 2021, Li expected to submit her PhD in late 2021. She is currently working at the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the Australian National University as a research assistant to Dr Marta Yebra.

Student project

This research aims to forecast fuel moisture content (FMC) by coupling FMC and water cycle models. The FMC model is a physical process-based model and the water cycle model is the Australian Water Resources Assessment system landscape (AWRA-L) model.
Supervisory panel:
31 Aug 2020
Key findings: The influence of soil moisture on litter fuel moisture content (FMC) depends on the...
Coupling Litter and Soil Moisture Dynamics For Dead Fuel Moisture Content Forecasting
19 Sep 2018
This research aims to evaluate the role of soil moisture in determining dead fuel moisture content...

Resources credited

Type Released Title Download Key Topics
Presentation-Slideshow 17 Oct 2019 Mapping bushfire hazard and impacts PDF icon Save (8.51 MB) fire, fire impacts, fire severity
Presentation-Slideshow 07 May 2019 Mapping bushfire hazard and impacts PDF icon Save (1.96 MB)

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