A/Prof Gary Sheridan

A/Prof Gary Sheridan

Gary Sheridan is a member of the Department of Forest and Ecosystem Science at the University of Melbourne.

Gary Sheridan's long term research interests are hillslope hydrology, water balance, and soil erosion processes. His recent published work has focused on post-fire hydrology and erosion in forests, and scaling and connectivity modelling problems in hillslope hydrology. Current research includes the development of improved high resolution surface fuel moisture models for fire-prone south east Australian forests.

Project leadership

This project was commissioned and funded entirely by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Victoria.
William Bovill Conference Poster 2016
14 Aug 2016
DELWP is trialing the use of a statewide network of in-situ fuel moisture sensors to provide real-...
Using Automated Fuel Moisture Sensors to Plan Prescribed Burns
18 Aug 2015
DELWP is trialing a statewide Automated Fuel Moisture Monitoring Network (AFMMN) to improve the...

Resources credited

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Presentation-Slideshow 27 Aug 2019 Probability and consequence of water contamination from post-fire debris flow PDF icon Save (6.57 MB) fire

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