Researchers are needed to lead a new project with the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC for the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Victoria (DELWP). The project aims to develop the Safer Together Joint Research Strategy in order to clearly articulate the knowledge and evidence gaps that pose risk to the delivery of sector obligations in bushfire management. Expressions of interest are now open for the project.
EOI proposals for the project, Safer Together Joint Research Strategy, are due by 9 December 2020.
Safer Together is Victoria’s policy approach to reducing the risks of bushfire across the state. The program involves fire and land agencies working together with communities, combining in-depth local knowledge with the latest science and technology to reduce bushfire risk on both public and private land.
Effectively managing bushfire risk requires science-based knowledge and evidence to inform the development and implementation of efficient and effective management. There are a range of evidence gaps for fire management agencies in managing risk across multiple fields.
Emphasising a consultative and collaborative approach building on existing work by fire agencies, stakeholder consultation and strategic thinking, this project aims to develop a Safer Together Joint Research Strategy that:
includes recommendations for prioritised research that will address these evidence gaps over the short, medium and long term (one, three and 10 years)
includes recommendations on options and timelines to deliver the research priorities
supports decision making for research investment budget bids, collaboration and leverage of other research projects/programs.
The research is due to be completed by 31 May 2021.
Submitting a proposal
Download the full Expression of Interest and other supporting documents herefor further details on the project. Responses are due by 11.59pm on 9 December 2020 to