Research leader

Prof Guan Heng Yeoh Research Leader

Research team

Dr Anthony Yuen Research Team
Dr Shaun Chan Research Team

End User representatives

David O'Brien End-User
Ivan West End-User
Kim Thai End-User
Mark Whybro End-User
Morgan Cook End-User
Pheo Duong End-User

This project aimed to greatly improve the fire safety of building occupants and of fire fighters. The research team created a database of fire events involving non-compliant building products in Australia and other countries based on a comprehensive survey of significant fire incidents that have occurred.

Assessing the fire safety and non-compliant building products provides an understanding of the potential fire risks being exposed to building occupants and fire fighters and allowed researchers to determine the main types of façade or insulation materials involved and investigate the risk perception and risk tolerance for fire fighters during fire operations.

27 Aug 2019
Recent high-profile building fires involving combustible external cladding in Australia as well as Dubai,...